What is going to be interesting is how the side effects of the COVID vaccination impact people's willingness to take it. The media hasn't covered this but reports are coming out that the MRNA vaccines have some nasty side effects that last 24-36 hours... Migraine like headache, joint and muscle pain, nausea, etc... Kind of like having the Flu or a bad case of COVID that lasts for a short time frame. Many people couldn't work the next day and stayed home sick after the 1st dose and during the MRNA based vaccine tests that all required 1 vaccination followed by a 2nd a prescribed time frame later there were quite a few who after experiencing the side effects of the 1st refused the 2nd vaccine in the trials.
Personally, I don't think I'd let 2 days of sickness dissuade me from getting vaccinated per the 2 dose protocol (but I haven't experienced the side effects a 1st dose yet). I think the Oxford vaccine that has been based on prior vaccine development techniques and is not MRNA based is the one to watch. That vaccine got a bad wrap because they screwed up the initial dose in 50% of the participants and ended up with 2 batches of data but the data still proved very promising and without the side effects that the MRNA based vaccines have found to be perhaps commonplace. I think it very well may be a better vaccine but whoever handles their PR made a major screw up and failed to spin the mistake as best as possible being, 2 databases and sampling groups that have received different doses, even if by mistake, are better than one.