I just came back from Cocoview. Two of my buddies missed their connection in Atlanta to Roatan resulting in the loss of three diving days. Five of us got stuck in Houston on the way back for an additional seven hours. Got home at 4 am. In Houston I got the dreaded SSSS on my ticket from Roatan and Global Entry or TSA PRE does not work after you recheck your bags in Houston. Sucks. No thanks.
I have over 2 million miles with United Airlines so I kinda know my way around airports and I'm just too old for that connection game. It also means that I pretty much have to fly them for the rest of my life. So, I've decided that unless it's the Indo-Pacific or Africa, I'm not playing the "connection" game any more. "Bag haul" sounds infinitely better than Houston. And the fares through Houston are over $1100. Cancun around $500. This seems to be a no-brainer. I'll confirm or deny when I get back. Yes. DSFDF indeed