No peeing in your westsuit!!!

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Also known as Florida, or the alternate spelling, Floriduh. It's the only state where the governor calls a "State of Emergency" when the temps get down to a horrid 30o. No really... he just did that.

That's absurd! Lol.
Is this a huge thing? of course not, I never mentioned it was. .

uhmmmm....... that kinda contradicts the premise of your post/thread.

I mean you did go to the trouble to zoom in on a guy peeing and take his pic, transfer the files to your computer, edit the photo, start a thread about it, then upload the picture to the internet.

but now it's "no huge thing?" :idk:
uhmmmm....... that kinda contradicts the premise of your post/thread.

I mean you did go to the trouble to zoom in on a guy peeing and take his pic, transfer the files to your computer, edit the photo, start a thread about it, then upload the picture to the internet.

but now it's "no huge thing?" :idk:

Let see ?
as mentioned, I regulary take pictures of the boats with divers right off our steps, I have pics of the AKR boat and Bananarama boat the same morning so it is not unusual for the camera to be around. They are taken from my dining room so not like a lot of trouble there. Stick the card in the reader as i have to do anyway, Not like i need to do it for individual images, Heck, takes a couple minutes to download and resize hundreds. I always resize all pictures and delete later so i can clean off the cards and keep files numbers in order. so really no trouble and it would actually be actually more trouble if I deleted the ones I dont want first, so you can now see so far there is little trouble , resizing takes about minute and as far as loading to the internet?? It really doesn't take much to add as an atachment to a post here, not like i had to load them on another site.

And then, If you actually read through the stuff you will or should be able to comprehend that the issue is about what is right and considered appropriate. Perhaps you are one who feel it is appropriate to just whip your dick out no mater whether there are families around or not, We all know there are plenty who get off on it.
Sorry but I find it quite disrespectful and am quite sure many would not be too pleased to have a dude taking a leak in front of their house in open view of children and ladies.
well, I also think it depends on the sex/age of your children. if boys they've been there, seen that, get a good laugh.

if girls there is the age where they giggle b/c it's gross, then there is the age where they giggle b/c they are silly girls, then there is the age where you don't want men showing their parts to your daughters.

and IMO, it almost could be a celebrity on the boat and posted on the front page of a People Magazine. we'll never know who that guy is. He's never going to see the photo.

I wish I could pee off the side of a boat!!
Also known as Florida, or the alternate spelling, Floriduh. It's the only state where the governor calls a "State of Emergency" when the temps get down to a horrid 30o. No really... he just did that.

Nah. Not so surprising. Much of the State's economy still depends on agriculture. A "state of emergency" qualifies for Federal aid.
well, I also think it depends on the sex/age of your children. if boys they've been there, seen that, get a good laugh.

if girls there is the age where they giggle b/c it's gross, then there is the age where they giggle b/c they are silly girls, then there is the age where you don't want men showing their parts to your daughters.

and IMO, it almost could be a celebrity on the boat and posted on the front page of a People Magazine. we'll never know who that guy is. He's never going to see the photo.

I wish I could pee off the side of a boat!!

So because some may have seen it before makes it alright? So its not criminal by any means , here at least, in the US it would be. But does it make it right? Why not use the head on the boat? why not at least have your back to shore? Age of those viewing really only comes into play if your looking at this from a criminal thing, However, pulling out the unit in daylight within such close proximity of famiies homes is just plain rude and inappropriate.

BTW, Why cant you pee off the side of a boat? Do you have something that others have never seen or would not giggle at? According to your reasoning above there seems no reason you should feel you could not pee off a boat?
.......What I find odd is how so many feel it is fine......

Contrary to what you see, I read the posts here and see many giving reasons why it is silly to go over the top as you have. I agree that if the guy is going to piss in public then privacy is pretty much out the window. However what you did goes beyond intruding on his took pictures of his johnson. That is actually kind of perverted IMO. I can handle someone having a good laugh or bitch session over it, but to take a picture so that the moment can be relived over and over???

The reality is, some people may not agree with it, but they are not about to snap pictures, edit pictures, upload pictures and discuss pictures.

But I know what you mean. You can not imagine how disgusted I was when I realized what these two were doing IN A PUBLIC ZOO!!!! For crying out loud there were friggin children of all ages around. And many were watching them. Parents were crying because of the explaining that would be required.....perhaps even future therapy sessions

Whats worse? Whipping your junk out on a boat, or someone taking a picture of it, and posting it on the net? :idk:
Whats worse? Whipping your junk out on a boat, or someone taking a picture of it, and posting it on the net? :idk:

Thats easy. which of the two choices is considered a crime in much of the world?

Whats it matter if he were on a boat or not? Would it be different if he got out of his car and whipped it out on the road in your neighborhood?
Sure, he whipped it out on a boat, a boat closer to homes than many roads are, a boat in plain view of no less than 10 residences with plenty of children from a few years old on up through teens, and a boat with an enclosed head. If he was claustrophobic and could not visit the head he could at least had his back to shore. Seems he was more worried about the adult male captain working for the business he paid seeing him then the families living in the homes.

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