Nitrox mixes above 40%?

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What is a PDC? I have no idea, there's too many abbreviations flying around here. Whatever it is, this logic would prevent flying in airplanes and driving most cars, the use of dive computers, decompression software to generate tables, etc. etc.

There's a big difference between generating a dive plan sitting at your desk and printing it out, and riding a computer live underwater.

You can give the printed dive plan a sanity check while still at home by comparing it to other dive plans or existing tables, and then you're guaranteed to have it underwater because it's printed on paper and stuck to a wrist slate. If you're riding your computer and towards the end of a nice, long, deep dive it stops doing it's dive-thing and says "E6", you're pretty much out of luck. Even worse is if it happens to say you're OK to surface and you actually have a half hour of deco to do.

A printed plan can't do this. If it was good when you printed it out, it's still good.

The "flying" thing is a different animal, since I'm not the pilot. All a passenger can do is hope that the FAA is doing it's job and that the plane it doesn't crash.

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What is a PDC? I have no idea, there's too many abbreviations flying around here. Whatever it is, this logic would prevent flying in airplanes and driving most cars, the use of dive computers, decompression software to generate tables, etc. etc.

Sorry I thought this was the Advanced site. Personal Dive Computer. I use mine as a depth gauge because the numbers are big. Of course I still have the analog depth gauge that I've used since the 1970's and my tables that I use to make sure my PDC isn't lying to me.
I don't fly but that's because of the TSA. I don't trust the govt. either but I still live under it. Somethings one can avoid things other times we pay our money and take our chances. I choose not to make CCR's one of the latter.
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No what is a load of crap is you guys who constantly highjack a perfectly good thread with this ridiculous agenda of yours now can we please get back to talking about nitrox?

And BTW I have dived about a dozen different rebreathers and I have not seen that label before.

Interesting to see you have experience with KISS RB's but have not seen the warning label as they are on each and every KISS manaul. Have you even dived a KISS unit, or don't you bother reading the manuals because you "know everything"?

Secondly we have no agenda to hijack threads. We only help correct topics where clowns (see post 66 for details) push something thats not even remotely related to the original question.

Lastly, please go and read/study the manuals for the RB units you are diving. You are clearly missing out on vital and very important information.
Really? Check out post #38. Looks like that is where this hijack started.
Really? Check out post #38. Looks like that is where this hijack started.

Looks like post 15 is where CCR's are 1st mentioned, opening the door to the "hi-jack" it was innocent enough but it doesn't take much!
I've been away from SB for a while, it was refreshing to run off on a good hijacking... but I forgot how quick the trolls come out for their feedings.
Trolls I didn't see any trolls. Just some overly sensitive CCR pilots.
Trolls I didn't see any trolls. Just some overly sensitive CCR pilots.
Come on, don't flatter yourself. It's hard to take someone seriously when they use an analog gage from the 70's to make sure their dive computer and/or the TSA don't try to take advantage of them.
Come on, don't flatter yourself. It's hard to take someone seriously when they use an analog gage from the 70's to make sure their dive computer and/or the TSA don't try to take advantage of them.

Works fine super reliable and accurate. If you want to stand around being herded like livestock poked, proded searched in your socks whle holding on to your pants so they don't fall down and abused anyother number of ways be my guest. There's only one trip I'd put up with crap for but Truk is so far out of my price range that it is a moot point. I'll drive to where ever I'm going plus if it's a dive trip I can tote my own gear.

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