Night dive on the GROVE

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You said that the boat would hold something like 18 people in your original post but in a later post you said 6 people MAX for this night dive. Was the MAX a typo? Should it have been MIN as in at least 6 people? Just wondering why they told you 6 MAX if their boat holds more? Seems to me the more that go the more profit they make and happier they are. Now that I've talked to so many people and we only need 3 more from the way it sounds I just don't want to get to many and have to turn some away.

I made a mistake about 18. The boat is Coast Guard Certified for 14, However they will not take more than 10 divers ever. For this dive they want a flat $360 with no more than 6 divers. Brent plans to suit up but stay shallow to 'monitor' . I guess they are nervous about someone getting lost?????

I'm sure that the AM trip will be a 2 tank trip but is the night dive a 2 tank dive as well?

Yes AM is 2 tank. Usually a shallow reef for #2, but they did once let us stay on they grove & do a shallower profile on dive # 2.
I am very flexable on what/where dive 2 is.
Their standard price for a Wreck dive is $65 per diver.

The night trip would be 1 dive.

Besides, with all the concerns I guess you guys are planning to penetrate pretty far. I've been down an ouside corridor and deep into the well deck, but am not qualified to go any further.

Personally I wasn't planning to get radical here. Drop down thru the Bridge & come out the bottom, (they have mounted the first 500 names since I was there last). then check out a few rooms, etc. Nothing that loses sight of the original opening or deep enough to require a line. Without a daylight reference point, I don't want to get stupid here.

We might do a little more during the daylight dive, but I plan to be pretty conservitive at night. I will yield my penatration plans (to the more conservitve side only) to group/buddy planning.

Bottom line, though we might be maxing out the definition of "rec" dive this is a NDL rec dive, Not a Tech/Deco dive.
I plan to live to tell the story.

Scott/Red, what are your plans/expectations as to penatration?
I noticed you both plan on using doubles.
This is what I found I can get a boat for $250.00 for the night dive four divers with doubles or six divers with singles. And we do not have to do a day dive. If this is good with youall. Let me Know.
Where do I start? I've been trying to get a few others to go on this trip to make up the 6 we need but I haven't been able to find anyone that is willing, or able, to go. I would love to go myself but I just found out yesterday that it's going to cost me several hundred $ to get my boat fixed, didn't expect that, and with that revalation I'm not going to be able to make it for any of the dives myself.

Sorry guys to have to do this to you but I can't see paying for storage on the boat if I can't use it. It's a long story but I've had the thing sense February, paying storage fees on it, and was expecting to have it in the water by the start of Lobster season. I almost made it, I got the outdrive installed yesterday and found out the the coupler that connects the engine to the outdrive is bad and the engine is going to have to come back out to replace it.

If I hear anything form the people I've asked about going I'll sure to pass on the info to you.

Have fun, wish I could join you.

Scott, sorry about your boat, they are a good place to pour all your available money into aren't they. Maybe we'll get a dive together some other time. Happy lobstering.

Red, Since it's down to two of us & you have a cheaper boat option, I will cancel with BlueWaterDivers. I do know two other people I can call that are qualified to make this dive. Should be able to reach them by Mon/Tue. Will post again when I have answers.

If we have the people I am still intereted, but as I said earlier, I will be diving a 120 & pony, no doubles for me for another year or so. Let me know if there is any news on your end.
Sorry I have been cave diving for the last 3 days. I will get back to you with all the news on the dive.
I have one guy who is very interested. Six would make it cheaper, but I am willing to go with four. If you find someone who want's to do doubles, then go for it. Brent & I can buddy up & do our dive in singles, & you two can stay down longer based on your air supply.

Let me know.
Well I have bad news everybody on my end can not go but I'm still up for it. So let me know if you are still wanting to go.

If we can change the day, I think we could still do this.

I have a possible #4, but he can not do Wed night. Can you do Tue (sept 9) or even Monday?

What boat do you have, and are they flexable on the date?

Brent, if your lurking, chime in, are you up for Mon or Tue?
Kip is interested but has an IDC going & cannot do wed.

Let me know.
Give me a day and I will book it. I will be coming alone. Is everybody going on a single tank?
Ok all you Lurkers...

We have finally put this together.

KeyLargoBrent, BlueWaterDiving, & HarleyDiver will be "doing the Grove" Tue night, Sept 9th".

We could use one more well qualified diver to make 2 buddy pairs instead of a 3-man team, but we're going one way or the other.

Anyone interested? It's $60/diver for the boat.
Very experenced divers only...

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