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Hi there..

Just got certified (!) yesterday after 3 open water dives off of
San Miguel Island (Channel Islands, So Cal). A very good experience: no sea-sickness (forgot the dramamine, I must be either lucky or a born swabbie), 53 degree F water(at 70 ft) and
I wasn't cold (that's amazing to me) and visability at max 25 ft.
Lots of kelp, seals and assorted freakie-deakies down there!
I felt comfortable, confident and yet fully aware I could die real
quick if I farked up (Santa, a dive 'puter, please). Thrilled, in other words. Kudos to Eric the Instructor at Channel Islands Scuba in TO for a good job and Mike the owner for hiring him.

Next classes:
Night dive, Advanced Open Water, Shark tamer, Whale rider.
Welcome to the board and the world of scuba. You have come to the right place for all info SCUBA. About the computer request, I'm not sure he is a member here so good luck with that.

Santa not a scuba member, with that nice warm blubber layer and that flashy red dry-suit? Say it ain't so!
Congrats on your cert. Oh, and stay away from one of your fellow Cal people, he goes by the screen name dlndavid :439:

He's a little weird, and may lead you astray.

Welcome to ScubaBoard
Hey Morans, welcome to SB, have you seen a Lil 'Irish guy with a temper he's been hanging out in the Introduction forums? :lol:

If you see him, tell him I'm looking for him.

Congratulations on your certification, so how'd you like diving Channel Islands? I've only dove Monterey once, but I too am a newbie when it comes to diving.
Welcome to the board!

:medal: Congratulations on certifying! If you will follow this path thru our Matrix, you will find our forum for :newbie:s ScubaBoard.Com > Scuba Diving Central> New Divers & Those Considering Diving

And this one to find new, local dive buddies and more: ScubaBoard.Com > Regional Travel & Dive Clubs> North America> United States> California Kelp Divers> SoCal

Finally, amend your Santa request to get a Nitrox capable computer. You'll wish you had if you don't.

don :cowboy2:

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