New York Bombings

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Light a Candle for Unity! Though terrorists may have struck out at us as Americans, let us come together and show our unity. Let us show that though our arm may have been hurt, they can not dim the heart of America which rages bright. On Thursday September 13, 2001 at 10:30 pm EST, walk out your door and light a candle or lantern to show the world that our spirit burns bright. Gather with loved ones or gather with neighbors but let our light burn in the night to show that we are united and that we remain strong.
Please pass this on to anyone you know..print it up and pass it to neighbors who may not have internet access, post it to message boards, clubs, news stations, anywhere and everywhere there is a PROUD American!

Tonight on TV they interviewed a woman that has lost her fiance. The picture that they showed of him was in scuba gear. This brought the thought back to me has anyone heard from the other New Yorkers that are our friends and nieghbors on the board?

There are also 30-odd Thais still not accounted for. The Government of Thailand had offices in WTC 1...

It truly is a tragic international affair and we are getting very good reporting thru BBC World, CNN and CNBC here in THailand. Those of us in this part of the globe can only sit and watch as the world leaders decide what course of action they are going to take.

I do feel that more could be done to prevent people from taking out their anger on people of Arab origins who had absolutely nothing to do with this attack. Have any of the senior government officials come out and told the people NOT to take vengeance into their own hands? So far I haven't spotted any statements like that on the news...

Originally posted by lildiver
Wonderful job of telling the story with what you've done with these pics.

~lildiver (glenda)

Thanks lildiver,

I figured with so many of these floating around I would put them in one place where people could share them all. I have 2 more to add tonight that are also quite good! I think that these are helping people out somewhat in that they see that people care and that we are united as a people!

Please make sure to let others know of the address so they too can share.
God Bless America!
Firstly, it is a sad day for the entire world. Any loss of life is sad, but when it comes to the outright cruelty, or self-motivation of one or a handful of people being responsible for the death of many, things need to change. Those whom are responsible for this have just signed their own death warrants, it is only a matter of time, let us hope that this time is short, so that they cannot inflict harm on anyone else in the meantime.

Being that I now live in Vancouver, which is a very multicultural place, I think that you are wrong to push the idea of boycotting businesses which are owned by or employ Arabs. Most people that have moved to Canada or the United States are seeking opportunity to better their lives and the lives of their families. The majority of people around the world find the actions of Tuesday deplorable, but there are a few who get their kicks out of this sort of thing. I think the numbers of the latter are about to be lowered considerably. I am sure that many people of Arabic decent work at YVR, which handled many flights that were destined for America. The fact is that 'if' (use this word on the SLIM chance it was someone else)Osama Bin-Laden was responsible for this, he does not need a bunch of poor people running businesses to support him, the guy is at least a millionaire. Remember, there is lots of oil in that area of the world.

I first learned of these incidents, while waiting for a class to begin, I did not understand the full weight of the devastation until I got to a television, about 3 hours later. This is a worldwide tragedy, remember it is the WORLD trade center. This incident has touched many people's lives in a manner that they will never forget, no matter how hard they try.

For those who lost loved ones my only words of advice, are try to remember the good times, not the unfortunate end.
We are keeping this candle burning for all the people
& their families who were in the planes, buildings and
anywhere near the explosions today. May God be with them
and help them through this terrible time.
God Bless

Keep The Candle Going

I asked God for water, he gave me an ocean.
I asked God for a flower, he gave me a garden.
I asked God for a tree, he gave me a forest.
I asked God for a friend, he gave me YOU.

"There is not enough darkness in the world to put
out the light of one candle."

The Candle of Love, Hope and Friendship

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This candle was lit on the 11th of September, 2001.
Someone who loves you has helped keep it alive by
sending it to you.

Don't let The Candle Of Love, Hope and Friendship die!

"A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle"
Just back from a christian worship service here in tulsa (broken arrow)oklahoma, with a group called hillsong from a church in Australia. No better way to get victory over your fears and anger than to spend the evening praising the Lord. They had the image of the eagle on the over head bigsceens prior to the service. Our pastor, who by his own words and those that know him, state that if he were cut, that he would bleed red, white, and blue. He is ex military and stated, "The eagle may have a tear in his eye, but his claws are still sharp" America and our friends will rise to the occasion and do the right thing. I have been encoraged by the kind and passinate words written in this forum. People care about the real stuff.- thanks ron

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