New York Bombings

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I have played with them myself in New Zealand.They are good.
It shows that this is a global event.They made the mistake of hitting the "WORLD Trade Centre".Not a very smart thing to do.My regards to your church.
This is the first time I've been able to get online since this nightmare began. The server was so busy with everyone logging in was impossible.

I feel kind of lost here in Guam. So far away from my family..and watching the military getting ready for... something. It makes me feel so much better to hear the support around the world from REAL people, as opposed to politician.

My heart goes out to everyone who has lost or missing loved ones...and my prayers go out to rescue workers, families, and everyone effected..which includes the entire world.

I feel anger, fear, and resolve..all at the same time. Flags are flying proud in Guam..and we want justice!
Here is an interesting page on the global aspect of this atrocity.

Click Here

wow - that's a pretty major global impact isn't it?


I heard a factoid that this was the greatest loss of life in one day for the US since the Civil War. Of course, in the CW all casualties were American.
Yes, we've heard that too... I think it's the greatest loss of 'global' lives at one time ever....??

Over 120,000 perished in the fire bombing of Tokyo (LeMay launches an all-out low altitude fire bomb raid on Tokyo with 334 B-29s, stripped of guns for greater bomb load, carrying 2000 tons of incendiaries. 15.8 square miles of Tokyo burn, killing at least 100,000 people, injuring 1,000,000 (41,000 seriously).) In fact, more people died in LeMay's attack on Toyko than on both A-Bomb attacks combined. (Official estimates for the casualties at Hiroshima and Nagasaki are respectively 68,000 and 38,000. )

The estimates for those lost in the fire bombing of Dresden have a low of 50,000 and a high end of 150,000. Most of the stuff that I read peg it at around 110,000.

I post this as just data to clairify numbers. I don't ever want to see a "my massacre is worst than your massacre " frame of mind.

I re-sent that link to many people. Very powerful writing.
Sadly, I know she is right. A war against the Taliban is like the war against drugs. You can make a few good hits. You can take them off the streets for awhile, but they'll be back. Seems there's too many, at this point to win. Yet, we still have to try. We can't just give up.
Natasha,I Agree, we need to do our best.

I've been seeing a lot of Patriotism around home.It's good to see people coming together.
I've been reminding those I come into contact with, that many nations lost freinds family,and loved ones in the World Trade Center. Sometimes Patriotism turns into an "us vs. them" kind of thinking. We need to remember it's not just us (U.S.). It includes many other nations of the world.

Mario, a good start would be his head on a Pike in front of what used to be the WTC. Just bombing is no good as we'll never know if we got him or not, Him and others like him.This is a language they understand.


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