I used my Nautilus a few months ago. Non-emergency, we were just somewhat far and the sun was behind us so the boat couldn't really see us. I told them where to look and they came and scooped us up. Neat!Yeah, gotta say that carrying a VHF radio to speak to boats while diving seems like extra hardware and unnecessary complication. I carry one in case I get swept away or otherwise lost by a dive boat, period. I can't imagine a scenario where I would be (a) on the surface in dive gear, and (b) need to speak with the boat but not in need of immediate pickup.
It's only because they brought out the one with the radio first that this might be seen as a downgrade. If we were all carrying the new model and they suddenly offered a "pro" version that included a VHF radio, I'll bet that they would sell very few. The exception would be for people who just want a VHF radio for use while on their boat - it might be nice to have in one piece of equipment. However, I suspect that most people who have their own boats also have VHF radios that are higher power with better antennas than this.
Smaller and cheaper are big plusses. Probably won't buy one since I have the old version, though...
Bummed to hear that probably the best feature of the Nautilus is being dropped