New diver wants dive computer

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I think you should slow down on buying stuff until after you are certified. Mask fins, snorkel are typical, and booties if you need them. Maybe a suit in some cases. But I wouldn't have bought a BC, there's no way to have any idea what type you would even like before you've tried anything. If you haven't had it in the water yet I would return it if you can and wait until you can make an informed purchase. And I wouldn't buy a reg or a computer for the same reason. Your class should include rentals or at least have a good deal on rentals. Besides not having enough info to chose gear yet, you could always have trouble equalizing or decide you just don't like diving for some reason. It happens, and you can find some great deals on barely used gear from people who did this.

I've worked with computers for years, and think dive computers are great for what I do. But I sure as heck don't trust computers with much of anything, let alone my life. (Making a statement like "I trust computers and can trust them with my life" on this board almost sounds troll-like!)
(making a statement "I trust computers, and I can trust them with my life" sounds almost troll like.
I could not agree more...
Hello to all I will be going for my NAUI training in 2 weeks. I been buying my gear little by little. I have bought my bcd fins and mask. I am look into buying the kronos Aqualung regulator. So it brings me to the computer part. I want a air integrated dive computer I am looking into the pro plus 2. I trust computers and can trust them with my life. I am getting the computer for $500. what do u guys think all opinions will be appreciated

Pro Plus 2?

Here you go:

Alberto (aka eDiver)
I am big guy so I needed to buy my own bcd inorder to take the course. That is the reason for buying my bcd. Also I will be buying backup for the ai and be wearing it at all times. I like to be ready for the unperdictable. But I stand by statment I trust computers with my life. We all do it on a daily bases. Dive computers have been around a while now and they been perfected. I apresiat all your comments and please keep them coming I am very open minded. But I feel safer with a computer telling me how much time I have left instead of me calculating wrong and get my self in a tight spot. But I would like to say thank you I been learning alot reading all of ur spots on the site.
But I stand by statment I trust computers with my life. We all do it on a daily bases. Dive computers have been around a while now and they been perfected. But I feel safer with a computer telling me how much time I have left instead of me calculating wrong and get my self in a tight spot.
I also have the oceanic Proplus 2 with QD/Compass and got the computer cable to download dives. I have had the computer for over a year and love it. I don't personally like things on my wrist so that is why I went with the console. I have it clipped to my left side CHest D-ring on a Retractor. It does not dangle or hang and right there when i need to see it. I pull it out and let it go. The number's are very nice and large easy to read and operate. The only other thing I have on mine is I went out and Bought "invisible shield" made by zagg to protect the screen. it's actually a protector made for cell phone but works perfectly not one scratch on the screen. looks brand new. not cheap and flimsy like the one they send with it.
I like the pro plus 2. Big numbers, does everything a rec diver needs.

I use two computers. That way, if one craps out on me, I can continue THAT dive, and continue any other dives I have planned for that day, as the remaining comp will still have my nitrogen and o2 data. If you are going with an air integrated computer, I'd suggest at least taking a spg in case it craps out. Better yet, dive with the spg so you can confirm your gas volume and have some redundancy.

I'm holding out for Atomic's new computer. If it hits the market for a grand or less I'll be trading in one of my current comps and hoping the wife won't notice :wink:

Everyone who dives with a comp, and doesn't dive on tables is trusting their lives to that device, so head shakers should consider the wisdom and usefulness of head shaking to a new diver.

LuLu nailed it when she said not to blindly trust your life to a computer. Ultimately a computer is simply a tool to help remind you what you are being taught in your classes right now, and no computer will keep you from getting bent 100% of the time, even if you follow every prompt to the letter, and even if it is working perfectly. A computer can't replace training, experience, temperament or good judgment. Those four elements are absolutely essential to safe diving, and frankly, more important than any piece of gear.
The OP isn't certified, so the trusting a computer with my life comment should be retracted after his OW.

I would recommend you try some different styles too. I thought I wanted a console. I dove with one a few times and couldn't see it (don't ask). So I have a wrist computer.

Thought I wanted a second computer which was AI. Then I went diving with a buddy who had one. On our first dive, we jumped in and his computer was working but not reading his air supply. We got out, he reset it, it was reading fine, we get back in, does it again. He didn't have a backup pressure gauge, so that was it for us. Battery in the sensor was weak. I don't want AI anymore.

Learn your tables and don't trust the computer blindly. Make sure you have a backup gauge if you use the AI computer.

That's not a fair comment, because the Pro Plus 2 is not wireless, so if the computer works it should read the tank pressure. With an AI computer on a hose you don't need a backup.

If you get the Pro Plus 2 I recommend you get the quick disconnect.
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