dannobee:Here's Chuck's page on kelp diving for the new Monterey diver.
The link above doesn't seem to work. Maybe it's down temporarily? Or maybe the URL has changed? I'd be real interested to take a look around the website since I'm considering doing some Monterey diving after I get my certification in May. I'm a WWW though - getting certified in the Keys.
I'd really like to change that though or I'll never manage to to get the experience I need to become a decent diver, so I need some convincing. Maybe Chuck's website would help!
As far as finding dive buddies go, I'm in the same boat as RMichaelson86. How receptive would the local crowd down in Monterey be to a 48 year old female newbie? One of my past instructors is the same age and sex as me and hangs out down there a lot (you all probably know her I would suspect), but unlike me, she has LOADS of experience and has a lot of followers rather than being a followee like me.
Anyway, just trying to find some motivating factors that would give me the push I need to join all of you in the Monterey "icebox".