Sadly i don't have a boat but me and my girl are game nonethelesss to build a raft and try to get out there

I've got plenty of camping gear and will do my share to participate, just need some help figuring out what to do...
That's the spirit! The surest way I know of to get out there without a private boat is to take a ferry ride. There's a good chance that at least a few people this year are going to go that route. My wife and I are likely to be among them. Details are at
Boston Harbor Islands Visitor Guide || Explore the Islands
Passenger ferries leave from five locations:
* Boston at Long Wharf has frequent service to Georges and Spectacle Islands, with FREE service between them. At Georges, connect to other islands for $3.00.
* South Boston at EDIC Pier has limited service to Thompson Island, with FREE connections to Spectacle Island.
* Quincy at Fore River Shipyard serves Georges Island, with FREE connections to Spectacle and $3.00 service to other islands.
* Hingham at Hingham Shipyard and Hull at Pemberton Point have frequent service to Grape, Bumpkin, Peddocks, Georges, and Lovells Islands, with FREE connecting service to Spectacle Island.
Consult the park ferry schedule (PDF), or call 617-223-8666.
To return to the mainland, check the schedule and retrace your route. Make sure you leave your island in time to make connections to return to the mainland pier where you started your trip.
Ferry Costs
In summer, we offer two-island or six-island round-trip fares from Boston and Quincy; from Hingham and Hull a round-trip six-island fare.
Contact Harbor Express for the latest fare information or call the park at 617-223-8666. The round-trip park ferry costs $14 for adults from all points. Multi-ride, family, senior, and group rates are available. Water shuttles from Georges to most islands have an additional fee of $3.00 for unlimited one-day rides.
* Adult: $14
* Senior (65+): $10
* Child (ages 3-11): $8
* Children under 3 yrs: FREE
* School groups (per student): $8
* Family four pack (2 adults & 2 children): $42