Okay, you did mention this before. Let's have some of the gory details. Quit teasing us. You can't be afraid of offending her any further, just call her "Penelope" or something
Oh, she's not on ScubaBoard, and she is Dr. Marie S. from the Chicago, IL area. The moment she got on the boat and laid eyes on me she said "oh, I'm not rooming with HER!" The captain said there was no room to move her to and I said "listen, I'm easy going, I'm not a PRINCESS." Look at my profile pic to see just how scary I am, heh.
She is a petite middle-aged "princess" who spent the entire trip working on her tan, shaving her legs and blow drying her hair multiple times a day, wearing her cute little matching outfits with coordinating jewelry and high-heeled sandals, nose stuck in a book when she wasn't eating or sleeping, and never, ever asking anyone anything about themselves but talking about her own very, very boring life ad nauseum. She's the only one onboard who didn't make any friends. She started the week with some guys trying to be nice to her but they all abandoned her.
She demanded special meals for every single meal and was a big PITA to the divemasters...well, when she dove that is. Diving takes away from working on the tan time, you know. When she did dive it was in a vertical position, bicycling away but she refused to listen to advice from instructors and divemasters on board.
She totally took over the room with her stuff, big huge luggage, she took over most of the clothing area too. But the worst is that she would go to bed at 8 so when I got back from the night dive I had to be really quiet and not turn on lights so I never got the benefit of primping like she did, I always went up to the salon after my night shower to look at my pics and others' pics with wet hair and no makeup. One night I did blow dry my hair but it woke her up and while she wasn't nasty about it, it just wasn't worth it.
Then this princess would awake at some ungodly hour (5:30 I think) and would rearrange her luggage for hours, then shave her legs then primp and basically be a big PITA while I was trying to sleep because there was no reason to be up before 8.
I've never in my life met a more antisocial, self-absorbed, haughty, vain person. I've never in my life met anyone more devoid of class. She's never been married and no wonder. I wonder if she even has any friends, she never talked about any on the trip. She wouldn't speak to me at all during the week other than asking me things like "when will you be out of the room, I have to do my nails." But I could overhear her talking to the guys on board, she seemed to really be trying to make a hookup but the guys were all mocking her behind her back. Even the staff hated her but they had to be nice all week. Oh heck, the passengers were nice to her face all week too, but that's because we had a really nice group.
Some onboard asked me why I didn't just come into the room after the night dives and turn on lights and do my hair and makeup etc. and I said I just didn't want to make a bad situation worse.
The last morning we had to have all of our stuff packed by a certain time and she woke up uber early and fussed and fussed over her luggage for hours. I just laid there waiting for her to be done but she wouldn't quit. Finally I got up and said the first nasty thing I said to her ALL week: "listen, I'd like to be able to use this room for a few minutes too, you know!" She was so startled and she said "yes sir, ma'am, George, whatever your name is!" WHATEVER MY NAME IS??? She was my roommate all week and didn't know my gender or my first name? What an idiot. This person is a doctor? God help her patients. Well, her luggage was all over the floor of the cabin and there was no room for mine, and of course I couldn't pack the night before because she was asleep, so I slung my luggage onto her bed and started packing. She zipped hers up, locked it and left in a huff. Made me laugh my a s s off.
Early in the week, she had a question about her camera and Woodman had the same camera so I asked him about it for her and he lent her a book about it. She gave me the book back and said "here give this to your friend." I said "you borrowed it, why don't you return it so you can
thank him?" What an idiot, it's not like she had to drive 40 miles to give it back! GEEZ.
So, does that description qualify for "roommate from hell"?