Here is an update to my Dive last night (Tuesday night) First...the Environmental police stopped by and verified we had a dive flag, otherwise the dive was going to be canceled. Truth be told, when collecting and diving at Wetherill at night, I rarely tow a flag. Figuring, if I am sticking to the walls and you are a boat, you are going to crash into the granite cliffs above me first and sink down on my head. So when they asked for a flag, I remembered I have a fold up spare that I use on the mast of a VHF antennae when I am on a boat....I showed it to them and they said that was float, no light on it...just folded up into a ball...go figure.
Anyway...Conditions were almost was low tide, but clear skies and no wind whatsoever. Visibility turned out to be over 15 feet in some spots...besides the usually suspect for New England, I caught and/or saw:
8 Spotfin butterflies - saw another 8 or so
2 File Fishes - Saw about 6 additional
1 Lion fish - about 3 inches long
1 Short big eye
1 gouper
1 mystery fish - I need to classify him
1 Cardinal fish Octopus...I didn't catch him.,..but he was certainly very cool....
I almost ran out of bags to put them you are considering looking for tropicals...they are still there...water temp was about 62 degrees and the tropicals are pretty good size this time of year...making them a little easier to make the transition into the aquarium.
Scott AKA Divedivediver