Kriterian:Since we're getting closer to the date I was just wondering if we could get some details locked in about it.
1) Who else is definitely going?
2) What day (Saturday) and time are we meeting?
3) Where are we meeting? (The beach at the wrecks, OBX dive shop, motel, restaurant)
4) How many dives are we doing?
5) Anybody else staying to dive on Sunday?
Sorry for all the questions but I don't just want to show up down there and find noone there or have any way to contact others.
Okay, okay....I will get on the ball

1) I don't know who is definitely going except for about four others at the moment. I'll check with the rest of them and post it.
2) We're diving Saturday and I'd imagine we'll meet in the morning. I'll post the exact time later.
3) Don't know answer to this question yet.
4) Don't know.
5) I might, don't know about the rest of the group.
By the end of this week I'll start a thread on the trip and post more details. I'm still leaving accomodations up to each individual.