Need diving advice - Nice, Portofino, Cinca Terra, Naples

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San Diego-ish
Has anybody dove along the French Riviera or the Italian Riviera? Specifically, I'm talking about Nice, Portofino, Cinca Terra, or Naples?

Lucky me, I'm planning a four week long European vacation for my wife and I. My itinerary, so far, looks like London, Paris, Nice (and Monte Carlo), Cinca Terra (and Portofino), Rome, and Naples. I'll fly into London and back from Rome.

I'm happy to hear any advice recommendations on my planned itinerary. I'm excited because it combines some of my favorite things: Diving, history, art, and archeology.

David hi!
I've spent three trips to Italy and still want more. Two summers ago I had "a" dive at Portofinio and it was unfrogetable. I hook with a dive shop called "Abyss" out of Rappallo. They where very good and professional. The Portofinio Peninsula is a very good diving area. There is also a statue of Christ underwater just at the tip of the Peninsula. My wife is not into diving but the boat ride to the dive site was neat so after my dive we took a water bus and visited all the small habors. Santa Margrita, Portofino and several really small vilages on route. You can get off and continue according to the boat schedule. Cinque Terra is really neat. Consider hiking to each village its about 6 walk all together but you won't reget it. Enjoy

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