Frankly, I can't see anything fashionable or "hot" about a guy who looks like an inflated beach ball underwater.
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TheRedHead:Frankly, I can't see anything fashionable or "hot" about a guy who looks like an inflated beach ball underwater.
I consider style, and how dive gear looks - only after I've decided something is functional for me.dzer0:Well lsd, laughing fish and mermaids fit together nicely so I guess its all good. And honestly I do think that Mares makes the most aesthetically pleasing equipment around so I guess that means Im tripping? You guys sound uptight, not being able to judge a piece of equipment outside of its intricate usefulness. Everyone that has ever wanted, owned, and even enjoyed a Mares BC, be it the HUB (meaning integrated reg) or other (such as the Morphos which I fancy) must be a complete moron I guess, especially if they think it looks fashionable.
dzer0:I guess the biggest uphill challenge in this conversation is how little sarcasm and humor come out in text. I tried having a joke with you guys on mermaids, laughing fish, and a fashion show underwater. Perhaps in a normal conversation you could hear my tone, but general hyperboles just dont lend themselves naturally in a message board.
Obviously anyone that makes value decisions based on the visual design is making poor decisions. I have used Mares BCs in the past and it sounds like you have very limited experience with them because they are not these huge over inflator / streamline restrictors you make them out to be. I think Mares has a bad reputation amongst the snobbish/elitist class for being too attractive for their own good. If you witnessed someone wearing an actual HUB (integrated reg system) you would immediately think amateur, because who in there right mind would actually enjoy that convenience for the price? It must be someone with more money than skill (this is sarcasm; ill point it out from now on). Personally I could care less what people think when they see me with my stylish mares BC, I like to sport something a little different because I like the eye rolling and the sighs from the more advanced, yet strangely biased and even more so uneducated dive masters (who make their arguments by prediction and using the force instead of actually diving with the equipment). Why else would I taught the Mares Demon Mask?
You can talk forever about if someone has a great rig and blah blah, but when I prove myself underwater that should be the end of the conversation. Like I said before, a good diver can do more with a pink Barbie snorkel set than a poor diver in any one of these ultra minimalist, super streamlined setups you talk at ends about. I will never doubt the wisdom of the more experienced, and every little piece counts when making these huge technical dives, but try something before you roll your eyes and think, another fool with eyes bigger than their brains.
DB you rock man, thats the only thing I wanted to get out of this whole thread; one person to give feedback on the actual class. I could careless about how these people come out with ridiculing tones and mocking behavior, it is besides the point and your general elitist response. Thank you for your post.
fire_diver:Why do you care what other people think anyway? FD
fire_diver:And thank you for spelling out exactly what your problem is. You are a young, new diver who thinks he knows everything, and everyone who dissagrees is an elitest snob. You care more about looking good and impressing people than actually being a diver. Yes, a lot of people have said that they feel the NG card is a joke. If you like the class, then take it! Why do you care what other people think anyway? I personally think that most AOW classes a joke too. Other people swear by AOW. To each thier own. Just remember, YOU posted the question, asking what people thought about the NG class. Don't get all pissy just because you didn't like the answers.
dzer0:Well it looks like you didnt really read what I said then. I tried pointing out that most of my posts where sarcastic and comedic in nature; I meant no offense to anyone and I apologize. I dont really think its a fashion show, nor am I really all that concerned with your opinion of my BC either. The whole conversation that affected the entire point of this thread was lost on the first page. You take this too serious if you ask me (which you didnt).
If Im not kidding Im joking, sorry.
I am a new diver and the only thing I know is how to do is irritate you older divers. its much too easy.