SeaJay once bubbled...
My point? Don't let the DIR**** tell you that "there's nothing better than a BP/Wings setup." Sure, maybe with twin steel tanks and dry suits, the extra rigidity can be appreciated. But for me, I much prefer the plain ol' Classic, updated with the latest "cool gear."
First off, let me say that I am not DIR, tho I am certainly starting to lean towards a lot of the things they advocate.
My first BC was a jacket style by a prominent manufacturer and I made numerous dives on it. Enough dives to know that I was 'hooked' and wanting to continue to progress towards the more technical side of diving.
Shortly thereafter I had a failure of that BC, which the manufacturer warrantied fully and sent me a brand new replacement. My LDS was willing to give me full credit back for it since I now had a new replacement and I decided to upgrade to a Transpac II as I felt that this would be a system that would 'grow' with me.
My first few dives I HATED it! Everything felt weird and funny, nothing seemed to fit right. No one else around had one either for me to ask questions about and that was long before I ever found ScubaBoard.
I persisted tho, and managed to figure out all the adjustments and placements of how I wanted things and how to make it fit me best. Now the Transpac II fits me perfectly and is practically transparent when I dive. I hardly even know it is there. One thing I did learn, a crotch strap is a MUST with back inflation and if you dont get it fitted right it is the most uncomfortable thing ever invented. But again, once you get it adjusted correctly you hardly know it is there.
I have dove my Transpac II using single tanks in the Carribean, spearfishing in the Gulf of Mexico, on low (no) visibility dives in the local lakes, assisted LDS during pool sessions with new students and I have even used doubles on it for cave diving.
Now that I understand how everythings works with it and what the limitations of it are, I find that I can adapt it to any situation and my bouyancy and trim with it are very good.
You did a good thing by comparing different BC's, but I would encourage you to research a little more before you decide. I have found some BC's to fit better initially, but to not seem so great once yours skills develop. Other BC's may seem like a posterior pain at first, but once you get comfortable with them, they are the best thing since sliced bread.
Just my $.02, but since I bought my Transpac II, two of my buddies have also upgraded to it because of all the benefits they saw it offered me. (plus I let them try mine out to see how they liked it)
Now I am moving to SS Backplate, and I don't have the results of that yet, but I can already tell that I like the stable feeling it has.
Different folks are different 'strokes' I guess.