First, let me repeat, I am
not affiliated in
any way with the shop being attacked. I am
not a customer of the shop. I have no bias or alliance regarding this alleged incident.
My comments are simply motivated to address the unfairness of accepting at face value such a one-sided internet report that appears intended to cause harm to people.
I understand that's acceptable to some people, but let's call it what it is: "getting even". Personally, I find "getting even" is a waste of time and energy....and believe me, I'm tempted at times, too!
So far, we've only heard one version of events and there could
easily be another version that puts this into a completely different light.
You've laid out some interesting points, unfortunately many of them do not pertain to anything I've said, although you've lumped them all as an apparent response to my quote.
Nevertheless, here's my perspective on each point, just based on the one side we've heard from the OP.
1. I'm suggesting there's an onus on a customer to give a shop owner/manager a fair chance
before harming them on the internet after an alleged incident with one of their employees. That chance wasn't given by the OP. Remember, we're talking about people here, not just a "shop".
This simply appears to be an attempt by the OP to cause financial harm to people running a well-respected business after he had a minor issue of being declined service and after a perceived personal slight from one of their employees.
Since the OP reports his phone call with the shop employee ended after "words" were exchanged and the other person hung up on him, it brings into question how each party handled themselves. People have limits. People sometimes overreact. Sometimes customers are unreasonably demanding or abusive. Sometimes customer service falls apart as a result. Sometimes people post before they've calmed down.... I've done that, for sure! Thankfully, being long-winded gives me time to get things into better perspective.....
Here, we really only have part of the story, but apparently the OP felt strongly enough about the whole issue to try to harm the owners of this business without first bothering to get their input:
Why didn't he give the owner/manager a fair chance before trying to harm him? Doesn't the manager/owner
deserve a call?
What was the OP's main motivation for his post? Performance of a public service? Revenge for a personal slight? I don't know, but the disproportionate response of the OP makes me wonder.
If it was to perform a public service, could we agree it's incomplete and probably misleading and unfair without first obtaining the owner/manager's input?
Was this a warning to protect the public from suffering a similar "hell of an experience" with this shop? After all, this really appears to have been a minor and probably personal problem of the customer and/or of the employee, doesn't it?
From the testimonials, this appears to be
not characteristic of the shop. Doesn't the OP's posting
unfairly smear the reputation of the shop and the
people who own/run the shop by basing it on
one minor incident or policy disagreement? Seems like an over-reaction to me, but I tend to be pretty easy going....
Since you've quoted me, let me say that I had not implied any onus on the customer to do anything other than follow the suggestions of the other poster, DavidInNH, that is, to give the manager of the shop a chance to rectify or clarify the situation.
That would be a reasonable, constructive and fair response, unlike the OP's one-sided posting, in my opinion.
2. I would
hope dive shop owners have better things to do than monitor and respond to internet chatter, even when the chatter maligns their reputation. How many forums would you suggest a shop monitor and how much time should they devote to it to be considered "savvy enough"? A strange concept really....
Should they respond once they've been made aware of an internet allegation? I can see how responding could be viewed as a total waste of time and a no-win situation for them, even if they are totally in the right. Just look at the unfairness of the process here and how people jump to conclusions before having all the facts. It could be a veritable "black hole" of flawed circular logic....
A non-response from a dive shop doesn't tell us anything about the shop (except maybe that they're busy serving lots of happy customers), but the OP's attempt to harm a shop over a minor issue and personal slight possibly tells us a great deal.
3. I have
no affiliation with them and stated that clearly.
Are you simply mistaken or did you think you discovered my secret bias?
I'm loyal to treating people fairly.
4. I agree completely.
Maybe they tried. Maybe the call got off on the wrong foot and went down hill quickly. People react to people and sometimes get a "hair-across". Who was to blame? We certainly don't know in this case, do we?
is a shame if one employee didn't handle the phone call well, regardless of how the customer may have handled himself.
It's also a shame if the customer unfairly sought revenge by trying to harm the apparently outstanding reputation of a shop over a service policy disagreement or a personal slight.
Where's the sense of balance here?
The real shame is that there may actually be
undeserved harm done to this shop based on a one-sided report of such minor problems. It's also a shame that people piled-on and came to conclusions based on such minimal and possibly skewed evidence.
There's certainly no real public service involved in this thread.
In fact, some people have posted their agreement with the alleged position of the shop not to service a problem of mating two different products, only one of which they carry. I can see their point, too.
Someone stated it could quickly become a no-win situation for the shop to attempt to fix this OP's problem with his suit/glove combination. Remember the Pottery Shop Rules: "You break it, you own it". I can see their point.
Sometimes a customer telegraphs that they will be unreasonably demanding and still be unhappy no matter what you do. Was that the case here? I don't know. Maybe not, but something led this employee to hang up on the OP. "Words" were exchanged. What transpired to lead to that? We don't know, do we?
Personally, I tend to agree with your premise that
any opportunity to serve a customer is a good chance to turn them into a loyal customer.
That's true, unless the customer is totally unreasonable, of course. Then you have to cut some of them loose, in my opinion.
Questions arise about the OP's handling of himself on that call. He's stated:
So what happened here? What does it mean "we exchanged some words"? Calling each other names maybe? How'd it get to that? Followed by the employee hanging up on the OP who subsequently tries to get even on the internet by harming the people who run the shop? In the guise of public service?....
Let me just say that this comment and and some others you made do
not refer to anything I've said.
I just disagree with the OP's choice to try to harm people over a minor policy issue and possibly a personal slight. He could have chosen several other ways to deal with these issues that would have been far more constructive and fair.
That's just my humble opinion based on incomplete information....
Dave C