Hopefully, I'm promoting safe and conscientious cave diving! Which, brings me about to my last dive.Pete, you're tilting at windmills about promoting cave diving.
35: 10/03/2015, Ginnie Springs, High Springs, Fl. Solo. Bubble Trouble. A few dives back I had a problem with a bubbling regulator before the dive. Today, I took a stage bottle and went to look for the whale bone. Sam had told me simply to follow the fin gouges in the mud. Wow. My stage was not as full as I would like, and I hit thirds just after the Key Hole. I switched to primary gas and set a jump at Hill 400. I had just clipped the stage onto the line when I hear a keening sound. It almost sounded like a far off scooter or a leak. It turned out to be my left side first stage reg was bubbling. I turned off the tank and breathed out the last of the NitrOx and then switched to the right tank. I loosened and re-tightened the reg thinking that this was the end of my dive. Voila! No more leaks. No more noise. I was surprised at the loudness of the sound in regards to how small the bubbles were. In any event, I resolved the issue and I was on my way! I worked my way back to the 1000 ft jump and that went well. I then tied in a much longer reel and started to keep to the tunnel left of Double Lines. The river water intrusion was a bit worse and the passage was dark and gloomy. It didn't take long to find the gouges and I noticed I was about to hit the ceiling. I vented some air and came dangerously close to wallowing in the mud. I proceeded on when I realized I was about to hit the ceiling again. I re-adjusted and before I could continue I was starting to float up again. Looking at the inflater I could see some bubbles coming out. I vented and gave it a shot at the same time, hoping that I could clear what ever was causing the problem. Now I could hear it leaking, so I popped off the inflater hose, took a few moments and got very stable. I had plenty of gas, but with the poor vis, and a bit of silt stirred up from my buoyancy issues, I turned the dive. Everything went well on the way back... until I got to the steps. It was then I realized that I had drug my inflater hose through the mud. Damn. I spent an 1:45 on that trip.
10/03/2015, Ginnie Springs, High Springs, Fl. I did two additional dives today in the ball room with a friend. They were about a half hour each but I'm not going to count them as part of the Abe Davis Award. It was fun to poke around in there... lots of glass on the floor. Found the high pressure seat of a first stage. That must have been a fun dive!