much of this BCD appears more streamlined
A pleasing visual appearance was clearly one of the considerations in its design.
It's made for women -- we do have curves and bumps in different places
Two of my daughters dive, one curvy, one a twig.
I like my BP/W bc. The waist belt and crotch strap are what hold it in place while diving which makes for a looser more comfortable fit in the upper body. The shoulder straps are just there to stabilize it and also to transfer some of the weight while topside. One of my daughters is switching to a BP/W bc at this point. They are perhaps overrated on SB but then again they are underrated by the dive shops. Something to consider.
and we don't have the upper body strength a man has -- well most of us don'tI can't compensate with my biceps if something is hitting me wrong on my shoulders; well I can but not like a man can
I could, I suppose, but I'm not going to put up with gear that doesn't fit.
I checked out ebay and craigslist -- as a bargain shopper I understand that if you see a lot of something it is typically because nobody else wants it [...] I didn't see an Aqualung BCD.
That is probably because there are relatively few Aqualung dealers compared to, say, Scubapro or Oceanic or Mares dealers.
It is difficult to find good deals on used jacket BCs for a number of reasons. Among these are that jacket BCs come in sizes and must fit the user properly. They also are difficult to repair and do not last forever. Manufacturers have also been successful in stylizing them in such a way that the shapes and colors of older products seem out of date.