My 1st Diving Problem Ever!

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Well, I see everyone knows me and has flamed me. I guess no reason to post on this thing anymore, the only nice person to me is tsandm. Ben Ca my instructor told me 5 so eat it thanks for posting.

You should really look at the quality of your posts in this thread, the forum in which you posted, and that attitude that you projected in your thread. I don't judge you for what you did or for being a new diver. Every diver makes mistakes. I judge you based on your claim that you are a DIR diver and that you posted in a technical diving forum. In all reality this thread should have been moved to the basic scuba discussion to be discussed. As far as DIR goes, it was obvious that parts of the DIR philosophy interests you, but are probably misguided in what DIR is about. I asked my questions based on your claim of being DIR so that I could understand where you were coming from, but you never attempted to answer any of those questions. Instead you went on a rant about PADI and single tank diving to 100ft depths. So I showed an example of how a single tank may not hold enough gas for a 100ft dive.

I'm not flaming you. It's your precieved attitude that maybe touching on peoples nerves though.
Teach me something. Teach me how to dive, teach me how to dive DIR. I have no one to dive with its just me, I dont have the experience. Diving in our area is nothing, so come out and teach me to become a great diver, I want to learn but I cant. less i move, I cant afford that.

I can feel your frustration,,,,you list your age as 18......YOU will NOT learn to dive by counting on places like SB to help teach you,,,this is a fine place to knock ideas around and shot-the-breeze....but its not really a good place to learn diving,,,get with a MENTOR if you can find one and dive with him/her. Refer to threads on SB with a grain of salt and try to pick out what is useful. Read books and study manuals,,,,plan your time and effort in the direction of seeking out someone in your local to give you a hand. And try not to put so much effort into knocking yourself positive.
Well good post, fair enough i call it quits. Im not going to post bull **** over bull **** trying to wing. You know All i want to do is become a good diver, become a tec diver. But it seems i cant, No buddies diving is not huge here. So I have three choices, Dive by myself or move or get out and play golf. My LDS shops are not the best, they just want your money. The one owner when i went to buy a new Rec Padi Planner that I can carry with me underwater, was like Why need it you have a computer. This is coming from a LDS owner who trains people. The other one just wants to take your money and gives no service, I try to suport them as much as I can but you know They dont supply the gear i need, wont bring it in. The one guy brings in apeks and service them but an xtx200 is 1000 from him and a xtx50 is 800 from him. So its hard to go anywhere. I get told 5 different things by both shops, I dont know what to think of diving anymore.
Oh ya, I thought so two. Im just sick of people bashing me, I guess im just a crappy diver. Well if you guys think I dont know anything come out to kelowna and dive with me, Teach me something. Teach me how to dive, teach me how to dive DIR. I have no one to dive with its just me, I dont have the experience. Diving in our area is nothing, so come out and teach me to become a great diver, I want to learn but I cant. less i move, I cant afford that. We have alot of golfing here, maybe i should take off golfing. Not hard to find someoen to golf here.

Your dive seems to have ended up as a solo dive, which is somewhat technical. But I would not consider 100 ft with a single tank and a lost buddy to be technical diving.

Buddy skills will help you keep track of a buddy. But even then, sometimes you might lose yours.

On a deep dive, if you agreed with your buddy beforehand to abort the dive due to any type of buddy separation, then that is what you should both do. Normally you would want to do a safety stop, during the abortion, since deep diving puts you at a greater risk of DCS or DCI, and an aborted deep dive is often the worst kind of egression in terms of being unsafe.

Meeting up back on the surface goes a long way towards relieving the anxiety of having lost one's buddy. And if your buddy does not surface, you should wave over to the boat, not swim to it, so that they at least have a spot to throw out the marker and begin the recovery search, if there is going to be one.

Unfortunately some divers do not take buddy separation very seriously, and your buddy seems to have been that kind of diver.

For technical diving, you need really good buddy skills.

If you have any more problems with that reg, you should consider carrying a pony with you, too.
Well it reads to me like you are like alot of 18 year old kids...just sorta mixed up,,,hey we all went through that and a few on this board and around are still in that stage--lol. You have several you are obvl. trying to learn about diving. I would shelf the tec thing for a bit and again consentrate on skills you know and can self learn....and in scuba there are plenty. Anyways who wants to hit a dumb little ball around some landscaped field!
Its really weird, Heres a start to my learning of diving. What can make a regulator like the xtx200 free flow?
Its really weird, Heres a start to my learning of diving. What can make a regulator like the xtx200 free flow?
If I had to bet, I would guess the depth, the cold, and the anxiety of losing your buddy. Mostly the anxiety. Breathing rates can go through the roof when things get sideways. The elevated breathing will overwork the reg and cause a freeflow.

Breathing can even be through the roof when things are going well- I did a dive with a new diver and she went through 2500 psi in the time that I went through 500!! We returned from the dive and it was as if I never started.
But the depth was not deep prepared to real DIR/Techincal divers which would mean the apeks xtx200 should of preformed good. I know my breathing rate was not the best but decent, Maybe the cold.
Ben it thanks for posting.
Yeah, Ben same from me, dude! (perfectly worded)


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