My 1st Diving Problem Ever!

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Just wanted to say Everyone who I have bashed with there diving skills and who they are. Im sorry, Just bad couple days and I guess it came out here. OPPPPS, Sorry and hopefully you guys can work with me to become a better diver and skills.

Thanks for the apology. Sometimes we all get out of line.

It's probably quite hard at your age to pull together things like bringing in a Fundies instructor from out of town, or travelling to the class. But I would highly recommend buying Jarrod's book, and Dan Mackay's, and reading the reports of the Fundies and other GUE classes that are on Scubaboard and elsewhere on the web. In particular, read SeaJay's report of his Fundies class, and then think about it.
Sounds good. I will do that, Ya its tough getting to places at my age. Like i said, I dont drive so im pretty much screwed less i fly and ship my gear down to a course or bus it. Anyways I would like someone to go over some math and stuff with me, Gas planning all that. My instructor never went over it with me, she just did it and told me how to go down and how fast to come up and this is how long your down at the bottom. I do have really good bouyancy and trim now, I have been trying to do gas planning little better with my singles and what not. But I still dont get it, thanks
Well, I see everyone knows me and has flamed me. I guess no reason to post on this thing anymore, the only nice person to me is tsandm. Ben Ca my instructor told me 5 so eat it thanks for posting.

Some of us are actually trying to help you by pointing out differences between your perception and reality.

There is a saying: "You don't know what you don't know, and what you don't know can kill you."

Many of us here have been in the same shoes. When I started diving, there were only a few others in the area that had even any remote sort of tech training. I had to develop buddies that had the same interests and goals here locally, and we networked to make friends and dive buddies in the areas we were interested in diving.

My local dive shop thinks we are nuts because we'd rather drive 13 hours to spend a weekend diving caves instead of take a two hour flight to Mexico.

If your goal is tech diving you'll need to develop a thick skin because there will always be someone who finds fault of what you're doing and how you're doing it.

You'll need to learn to listen to those that have been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. Take bits and peices from each and every person you come in contact with and let their experience be a guide.

And don't blindly accept an answer at face value. If someone can't substantiate the reasoning behind why they do something a certain way, if they are just a follower and they do it because they were told to do it that way, then that is NOT the person you want to be learning from.

Free advice, take it for what it's worth.
Just wanted to say Everyone who I have bashed with there diving skills and who they are. Im sorry, Just bad couple days and I guess it came out here. OPPPPS, Sorry and hopefully you guys can work with me to become a better diver and skills.

I've got some free weekends in May and June. I need to get to Summerland in the next couple of months so I could work it so I could make Kelowna in the same trip and do a couple of dives.
Chris, PM NWGratefulDiver for his gas management handout. It's well written and organized, and has a ton of information in it. He shares it freely. It will definitely help you understand gas planning, and if, after you've read it, you have questions, feel free to PM me.
Cave Diver:
Some of us are actually trying to help you by pointing out differences between your perception and reality.

There is a saying: "You don't know what you don't know, and what you don't know can kill you."

Many of us here have been in the same shoes. When I started diving, there were only a few others in the area that had even any remote sort of tech training. I had to develop buddies that had the same interests and goals here locally, and we networked to make friends and dive buddies in the areas we were interested in diving.

My local dive shop thinks we are nuts because we'd rather drive 13 hours to spend a weekend diving caves instead of take a two hour flight to Mexico.

If your goal is tech diving you'll need to develop a thick skin because there will always be someone who finds fault of what you're doing and how you're doing it.

You'll need to learn to listen to those that have been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. Take bits and peices from each and every person you come in contact with and let their experience be a guide.

And don't blindly accept an answer at face value. If someone can't substantiate the reasoning behind why they do something a certain way, if they are just a follower and they do it because they were told to do it that way, then that is NOT the person you want to be learning from.

Free advice, take it for what it's worth.
Thank you again, Thats alot of nice info.
I've got some free weekends in May and June. I need to get to Summerland in the next couple of months so I could work it so I could make Kelowna in the same trip and do a couple of dives.
MAN that would be wicked, I really live in Peachland. I just put kelowna because most people know kelowna not peachland right. If we got to dive, that would be unreal man.
Chris- please accept my apology. In re-reading my posts I came across as a jerk to you. It's clear that you're just a guy that's passionate about diving and hungry to learn, and you don't deserve the beating you took in this thread. Others have offered some great suggestions on reading material that should help a lot. Best of luck to you, and dive safe.


"Ben it thanks for posting" - that was awesome! That should be your new sig line.
LG Diver:
Chris- please accept my apology. In re-reading my posts I came across as a jerk to you. It's clear that you're just a guy that's passionate about diving and hungry to learn, and you don't deserve the beating you took in this thread. Others have offered some great suggestions on reading material that should help a lot. Best of luck to you, and dive safe.


"Ben it thanks for posting" - that was awesome! That should be your new sig line.
Thank you, Im sorry to you two. I hope everything goes well in the next while, I hope to learn and think before I post. Im sure you guys will see me floating around all the time, Im always on this thing. If not diving, Im between jobs so im on here job hours lol.

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