My 1st Diving Problem Ever!

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If I were you I'd keep the 200; it's one of the best regs on the market.
Ya but I dunno free flow at shallow is not the best, An instuctor said he loves his dive rite and eh I would not mind to test one out. Like to see whats out on the market, THe free flow never scared me but two xtx200 and no Oring placement, Less im doing something wrong which It seems like i have been this past week.
HD, there's a frenetic quality about your posts that concerns me.

I don't say much to recreational divers who profess no aspirations to anything more, but if you're thinking about technical diving, you need to slow down and focus. Selling what is almost universally judged to be a superb performing technical regulator because you had a problem with it (which is unexplained by your LDS) to buy what some instructor says he likes is not the careful judgment which ought to be shown by a technical diver. Safety in deep, complex dives comes from taking things slowly, planning in detail, and making good judgments based on good data.

There may be something wrong with your regulators, in which case it's ethically questionable that you are selling them, unless you disclose the problem and discount the price heavily. Or there may be nothing wrong with your regulators, in which case you are selling them for what I at least see as a really weak reason. Buying new gear because it caught your eye or someone else likes it is not the greatest decision making for a technical diver. Learn about how regulators work, what their specifications are, what conditions you intend to tech dive in, and make your choices based on good information.

Slow down, settle down, and focus. Going tech is not Evel Knievel stuff.
Not much you can do when both regs are free flowing and you tryed to do a search for your buddie and nothing. Padi teachs you only do a max search of 5 mins and then accent to the top, Less my instructor is on glow thats how I have been taught.

PADI doesn't teach 5 mins does it?
5 mins is a long time.... isn't it 1 min search then ascend?
Well, I see everyone knows me and has flamed me. I guess no reason to post on this thing anymore, the only nice person to me is tsandm. Ben Ca my instructor told me 5 so eat it thanks for posting.
Oh ya, I thought so two. Im just sick of people bashing me, I guess im just a crappy diver. Well if you guys think I dont know anything come out to kelowna and dive with me, Teach me something. Teach me how to dive, teach me how to dive DIR. I have no one to dive with its just me, I dont have the experience. Diving in our area is nothing, so come out and teach me to become a great diver, I want to learn but I cant. less i move, I cant afford that. We have alot of golfing here, maybe i should take off golfing. Not hard to find someoen to golf here.

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