My 1st Diving Problem Ever!

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The above all makes sense except that you have included gas for your ascent in two places, in your original dive plan and again in your minimum gas calculation.

That's true, but even if you accounted just for a 30min. BT and an emergency ascent with an OOG diver you would still need 130ft3 of gas. :)
I think you are double counting your gas- I would think that you would need 130 cft- 91 cft for the part on the bottom and 39 cft for the ascent- with or without sharing air. Of course, your method is more conservative...

EDIT: I have got slow fingers today!
That's true, but even if you accounted just for a 30min. BT and an emergency ascent with an OOG diver you would still need 130ft3 of gas. :)

Not much you can do when both regs are free flowing and you tryed to do a search for your buddie and nothing. Padi teachs you only do a max search of 5 mins and then accent to the top, Less my instructor is on glow thats how I have been taught.

Forget all the DIR'ness discussions, equipment, gas planning, etc. This aspect of your post is what concerns me. There is absolutely a lot you could have done, and should have done, if your buddy went missing. True enough, if your regs are freeflowing and you've lost contact with your buddy surfacing is your only option. But once you reach the surface you're not relieved of your duty as a buddy. This is not DIR training, AOW training, or even OW training- this is just common sense. There's a missing diver. You are the only person that knows this diver is missing. How do you know that something akin to your double freeflow didn't befall them as well? I see it as completely unconscionable that you didn't do something after you surfaced to address the fact that your buddy was missing.
LG Diver:
Forget all the DIR'ness discussions, equipment, gas planning, etc. This aspect of your post is what concerns me. There is absolutely a lot you could have done, and should have done, if your buddy went missing. True enough, if your regs are freeflowing and you've lost contact with your buddy surfacing is your only option. But once you reach the surface you're not relieved of your duty as a buddy. This is not DIR training, AOW training, or even OW training- this is just common sense. There's a missing diver. You are the only person that knows this diver is missing. How do you know that something akin to your double freeflow didn't befall them as well? I see it as completely unconscionable that you didn't do something after you surfaced to address the fact that your buddy was missing.

I had a similar experience with a "new" buddy, and I was very upset.:11: I was descending with a "new" buddy through 51 feet, and I developed a block. I tried everything to signal my buddy who was descending below me. I followed his bubbles for awhile. Past 51 feet, he never looked back (up), and to make matters worse, we were diving in poor vis with a knot and half current. I needed to ascend to relieve the pain, and so I lost him. He was intent on one thing... spear fishing.

The merk was especially bad that day (Gulf of Mexico off Louisiana). By the time I fixed the block, I decided to abort the dive. The merk was so bad, that I did not see any stansions or the boat. By the time I did my safety stop (drifting at 15 feet), I was 1000 feet from the boat against current. By the time I made it back to the boat, I was exhausted and very p*****. He was sitting on the boat with three little fish and acting like nothing happened. We were 100 miles offshore, and I was too tired to make the third dive in that current. The instructor told me that it was okay that he did that. I never dove with them again.
One thing i think is funny, is that you guys say going to 100 feet is bad on a single tank. My question is why in AOW they take you to 130 feet on single tank? Why would padi teach AOW on a single tank if it was no safe to dive to 100 feet. So that being said, you guys who say dont dive to 100 feet on single tank should not be saying that. Talk to padi, talk to TDI, talk to any of the other agencies that do AOW and see what they think its safe to dive to 130 feet with single. Thats just my food for thought.

PADI doesn't take AOW students to 130'. The max depth is 100fsw.

Hybrid - I would be interested in hearing what your rig configuration was for this dive? Also that of your buddies.

You said your insta-buddy didn't understand his own rig - that you had to explain it to him????

So you went to 100' with a diver you didn't know and whom you knew wasn't familiar with their own rig -

I am not DIR; AND; I wouldn't have made that dive with that diver. If I wouldn't do it, I can guarantee all the DIR divers that I know wouldn't have done that dive either.

I'm still not sure why you made this post at all


Yup im trying to sell of my Basic rig, Golem gear single wing and what not. Why does it matter to you guys? All you guys like to do is bring people down on this forum, make newish divers feel like **** eh. Nice well whats it to you that im selling gear.
Nice well whats it to you that im selling gear.
Hi Chris,

Just wonderng, if you are trying to go tech, why are you selling your XTX200? This is a great tech reg. Is it because it free-flowed on you? What did your reg tech guy say about it?

The HP100 is a good tank to double up, too.
Heres the run down on selling the gear, Well the tech says an Oring which I dont think is what happend cause he did not replace anything. I did notice the xtx200 breathing noob was all the way out. It should be all the way in for cold water, so I think thats what happend. Reason why to sell is I would like to get a couple Dive Rites, I hear alot of good things and would like to try them myself, Other stuff I just dont need laying in the closest. I could buy couple oxy regs for later use in the diving world.

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