My 1st Diving Problem Ever!

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Hey, I'm glad you're getting some good information here, and making use of it!

Did you calculate your SAC rate for your dive today?
Yes, Man OH MAN you guys are going to LAUGH AT ME. I think im way over weighted though, I got 93.33 for my SAC but I ended my dive with the same I esimated with in my planning. Just wondering if you do a dive at 45 feet, how fast do you accent? 40 feet a min?
I'm not going to flame you... others seem to be doing that just fine. I just hope you realize, and learn from, the many mistakes in this dive situation.

Hard to imagine how the O-rings on both secondary and octo went at the same time. You say this is a new reg. Have you dived it before this dive?

Hopefully one important lesson you learned on this dive is that you did not panic when the excrement hit the fan. This is good to know about yourself. However, one calm incident does not a history make.

I assume you are diving solo with less than 100 dives because of the fact there are few other divers in your area. I can understand that since when I first started diving in the Midwest during the early 60's, there were few other divers then. However, I don't think I did a dive to 100 ft for several years, and even then it wasn't solo. Realize you had a "buddy" (kind of) on this dive, but...
I think you've misplaced a decimal point somewhere . . . If you want to PM me the math you did, I'll check it for you.

Ascent rates are the same no matter how deep you dove . . . 30 fpm to the pause at 75% max depth, 30 fpm to the first hard stop at 50% max depth, and 10 fpm to the surface, although some of us slow down even more in the last 20 feet or so. I try to take 2 or 3 minutes to get from 10 feet to the surface. It's good buoyancy practice!
K heres a dive plan to 45 feet, Lets here how i did on this one.
93X2.36 = 2.44 X 30 = 68 Cubic Feet For BT
100 Divide by 3442 = 0.29 X 3500 = 101 cubic feet My Tank
means i have 33 cubic feet left
40ft 93 X 2.21 X 1 = 2 Cubic Feet
30ft 93 X 1.90 X 1 = 1.8 Cubic Feet
20ft 93 X 1.61 X 1 = 1.5 Cubic Feet
10ft 93 X 1.30 X 3 = 3.6 Cubic Feet
68+2+1.8+1.5+3.6 = 76.9 Cubic Feet
Thats just for my air, This is not with rock bottom yet.
Chris, see my PM about that 93 number -- it's useless unless you do the further calculations to standardize it to surface consumption.
Sent a PM about that 93 number. How was the calculations though? Am i on the right track?
Why don't we take this to PM, Chris? I don't think very many other people are interested in reading as we go through the math.
I am very impressed with this thread and everyone involved. Often threads get out of hand and get off track. I don't think I have ever seen one get back on track and become productive like this one has.

HybridDiver- looks like you are on the right track.

This thread has inspired me to work on my own gas management skills a bit more.

Thanks jess, Ya I have been working on my Gas Management all day and went diving today. Im still working on it, I seem to have most of it down pat.

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