MV Fling Texas Caribbean 2 Day Flower Gardens Live Aboard Trip Report
DIVE SHOP – Gigglin Marlin in Houston Texas. Booked the trip and registered for our Deep Dive Certification course through this shop. Dean, Barbie and the entire crew answered many questions on multiple calls & emails.
Captain Mathew was so funny; he could have his own comedy show. He gave a great boat overview & safety briefing. All divers were provided a Deluxe hands-free Regurgitation Containment Systems or RCS to keep with us while on the boat. He did his best to keep the white cap ride home at 15 knots less bumpy and more of a nice roll.
Night Captain - Michael B: Did most of the driving to the next dive site while we slept.
Galley Crew - Tiffanie C, Christi: These ladies were lovely cooks & hosts, accommodating our dining needs. We all went out to the bow with them to feed left over buns and veggie scraps to the Chubs at HI-376A. Tiffanie took an amazing video of a Manta Ray. The galley was always a breath of fresh air due to the “No wetsuits allowed; they stay on the dive deck. Dry off before coming inside” rule.
Dive Masters – Todd, Aaron C: Aaron played us some tunes for about 15 minutes counting down to the dive briefing while we prepped our gear. He provided an accurate map and new safety protocols for each site & current. Todd is part of the CHUM dive club, and he checks your Nitrox logs for all your dives.
You will need to test your Nitrox & log it in a binder on camera table before each dive and give your Dive Time & Max Depth to the crewman at the ladder after each dive. Great bunch of guys who were knowledgeable and supportive to our questions and needs.
Tank Filler – Chris: Always prompt with Nitrox refills after the dives, just be sure to remove your 1st stage after the dive if you want a full tank on the next (they tell you this in the DM Briefing, pay attention). This keeps things moving efficiently and gives you plenty of time to test your tank, fill out the nitrox form with percentage, MOD & pressure before the next dip. Up to five dives in one day.
Our PADI Deep Dive Instructor from Gigglin Marlin Dive Shop – Andy L.
(4 Dives – Day 1 (# 1, 3, 4) Day 2 – (# 2)
We hit the C-Card lotto in our SCUBA learning journey with Andy, he was a phenomenal instructor, re-enforcing what we learned from our Deep Dive PADI booklet. We had an overview of what to expect, discussed our diving experience and any concerns, then with each cert dive we had a 2nd side briefing to discuss the Cert dive plan & skills we will perform with hand signals for each. He made sure on dive 1 that we could achieve neutral buoyancy to demonstrate our skills, confirmed proper weighting. In the after-dive briefings, we discussed our dive, wildlife, and things to work on moving forward. Andy would show us interesting marine life, a barracuda tilting down for a cleaning, an arrow crab & camouflaged scorpion fish He provided history tidbits of how the Flower Garden sites were made with ancient Corals building on top of each generation in the East & West banks, how Stetson Bank got the iconic ridges and how this one-of-a-kind marine life oasis was designated a Marine Sanctuary. Each dive with him was not only for the certification, but also came with tidbits of knowledge to improve our skills, such as giving us the confidence to performing swimming safety stops in the open blue (current allowing) which confirmed our buoyancy and weighting.
4 bunk beds per room with clean sheets, pillow, and a blanket with a bunk light & privacy curtain. Space under bunk bed to put your travel bag with your dry clothes & toiletries.
2 open warm water showers on dive deck
2 clean and tidy bathrooms in galley
3 booths large enough for 6 divers each, 1 side booth for 2 divers in galley.
Place to hang wetsuits and a shared camera table on the dive deck.
1 mutual charging station in the chartroom near the wheelhouse for safety.
Gatorade, Coffee, Iced Tea, Lemonade and Ice Available all day.
1st Breakfast with Instant Oatmeal & Fruit, Cinnamon Rolls for the Gluten Blessed.
2nd Breakfast with Eggs, Sausage, Bacon, Flour Tortillas Day 1 and Biscuits Day 2.
Lunch with Hamburgers Day 1 and Tacos Day 2. Made salads w/ meat & toppings.
Snacks with charcuterie board, veggies & dips; hummus and sliced fruit.
Dinner with pasta & a side salad. Made a big salad for me.
Desserts with peach cobbler, cookies, fruit tarts, brownies, ice cream. – I had cantaloupe, strawberries, plums & bananas plus found the CHOCOLATES above the ice bin and Peanut M&M’s were presented at snack times.
(I think guests are 1st, then the crew eat so get only what you will eat, then go back for seconds; there is always snacks & fruits available.)
Edit - Spelling
DIVE SHOP – Gigglin Marlin in Houston Texas. Booked the trip and registered for our Deep Dive Certification course through this shop. Dean, Barbie and the entire crew answered many questions on multiple calls & emails.
Captain Mathew was so funny; he could have his own comedy show. He gave a great boat overview & safety briefing. All divers were provided a Deluxe hands-free Regurgitation Containment Systems or RCS to keep with us while on the boat. He did his best to keep the white cap ride home at 15 knots less bumpy and more of a nice roll.
Night Captain - Michael B: Did most of the driving to the next dive site while we slept.
Galley Crew - Tiffanie C, Christi: These ladies were lovely cooks & hosts, accommodating our dining needs. We all went out to the bow with them to feed left over buns and veggie scraps to the Chubs at HI-376A. Tiffanie took an amazing video of a Manta Ray. The galley was always a breath of fresh air due to the “No wetsuits allowed; they stay on the dive deck. Dry off before coming inside” rule.
Dive Masters – Todd, Aaron C: Aaron played us some tunes for about 15 minutes counting down to the dive briefing while we prepped our gear. He provided an accurate map and new safety protocols for each site & current. Todd is part of the CHUM dive club, and he checks your Nitrox logs for all your dives.
You will need to test your Nitrox & log it in a binder on camera table before each dive and give your Dive Time & Max Depth to the crewman at the ladder after each dive. Great bunch of guys who were knowledgeable and supportive to our questions and needs.
Tank Filler – Chris: Always prompt with Nitrox refills after the dives, just be sure to remove your 1st stage after the dive if you want a full tank on the next (they tell you this in the DM Briefing, pay attention). This keeps things moving efficiently and gives you plenty of time to test your tank, fill out the nitrox form with percentage, MOD & pressure before the next dip. Up to five dives in one day.
Our PADI Deep Dive Instructor from Gigglin Marlin Dive Shop – Andy L.
(4 Dives – Day 1 (# 1, 3, 4) Day 2 – (# 2)
We hit the C-Card lotto in our SCUBA learning journey with Andy, he was a phenomenal instructor, re-enforcing what we learned from our Deep Dive PADI booklet. We had an overview of what to expect, discussed our diving experience and any concerns, then with each cert dive we had a 2nd side briefing to discuss the Cert dive plan & skills we will perform with hand signals for each. He made sure on dive 1 that we could achieve neutral buoyancy to demonstrate our skills, confirmed proper weighting. In the after-dive briefings, we discussed our dive, wildlife, and things to work on moving forward. Andy would show us interesting marine life, a barracuda tilting down for a cleaning, an arrow crab & camouflaged scorpion fish He provided history tidbits of how the Flower Garden sites were made with ancient Corals building on top of each generation in the East & West banks, how Stetson Bank got the iconic ridges and how this one-of-a-kind marine life oasis was designated a Marine Sanctuary. Each dive with him was not only for the certification, but also came with tidbits of knowledge to improve our skills, such as giving us the confidence to performing swimming safety stops in the open blue (current allowing) which confirmed our buoyancy and weighting.
4 bunk beds per room with clean sheets, pillow, and a blanket with a bunk light & privacy curtain. Space under bunk bed to put your travel bag with your dry clothes & toiletries.
2 open warm water showers on dive deck
2 clean and tidy bathrooms in galley
3 booths large enough for 6 divers each, 1 side booth for 2 divers in galley.
Place to hang wetsuits and a shared camera table on the dive deck.
1 mutual charging station in the chartroom near the wheelhouse for safety.
Gatorade, Coffee, Iced Tea, Lemonade and Ice Available all day.
1st Breakfast with Instant Oatmeal & Fruit, Cinnamon Rolls for the Gluten Blessed.
2nd Breakfast with Eggs, Sausage, Bacon, Flour Tortillas Day 1 and Biscuits Day 2.
Lunch with Hamburgers Day 1 and Tacos Day 2. Made salads w/ meat & toppings.
Snacks with charcuterie board, veggies & dips; hummus and sliced fruit.
Dinner with pasta & a side salad. Made a big salad for me.
Desserts with peach cobbler, cookies, fruit tarts, brownies, ice cream. – I had cantaloupe, strawberries, plums & bananas plus found the CHOCOLATES above the ice bin and Peanut M&M’s were presented at snack times.

(I think guests are 1st, then the crew eat so get only what you will eat, then go back for seconds; there is always snacks & fruits available.)
Edit - Spelling