Monterey conditions. (let's keep it going )

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Heard from some folks that the currents and deep waters around Monterey clean the water quickly. Not sure how much truth there is to it but they seem confident about it. :idk:
3 wonderful dives yesterday. First 2 were at Pt. Lobos and the 3rd was a night dive at Breakwall.

Pt. Lobos was flat on the surface with some mild surge at depth. Good 30+ viz out of the cove. We dove HITW, Lone Metridium, and a little into Rock Garden the first dive and Middle Reef toward Granite Point Wall the second. It was very dark since the sun wasn't penetrating the cloud layer. Lots of life out with the biggest a very mature Sheephead.

Breakwall was a pretty typical night dive with mostly calm surf with a couple of sneaker waves for good measure. Viz was excellent above 25' and warm (57 F), and considerably more particulates and colder (52 F) below. We had our usual seal escort for most of the dive. No lobster on this dive, but did see several Hopkins Roses.

The treat was when I checked into the Hostel they told me there was an experienced diver (turns out an instructor) from Ontario that was looking for a buddy. Apparently his had gotten sick. Really nice guy and very competent diver. He went with us on the night dive, and is out on the Beach Hopper II today, but is interested in a Pt. Lobos dive this week. His name is Cameron G. and I suggested he post on the NorCal forum here. You won't be disappointed if you buddy with him.

Forgot about the surprise encounter with a ray. Can anyone ID him?
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Had a moderately surgy dive at s.mon tuesday night. Vis was about 20ft, and it was kind of stirred up. The kelp had spread out requiring a w pretty good kick around. We stated some shallow, around 30ft. Probable would have improved deeper.

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Headed back in on the sanitary. Had a very nice dive outer butterfly house. Maybe 40-40ft via until the fog rolled back in. Then a decent dive at still water maybe 20-30ft depending on depth. It was a little more stirred up though, with lot of particulates. Both dived were around 60ft.

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Did two awesome dives with Mike and Oshri on Sunday 5-31. It was something like WNW 3' at 11 seconds at Carmel, like a lake. First dive North Monastery, descended at the edge of the kelp and went down to 50 feet or so then kept going north until we reached the North end of the wall and went down to 101', vis was about 30'+. Sun was not out yet. It was a lingcod farm through out the dive. Conditions being so calm, there was not enough push to exit quickly.
Second dive was quite spectacular at South Monastery with about 50' vis. with really nice scenery. The sun was out. Temp on both dives were 49°F on my computer.
Afternoon dive at the Breakwater on 5/31, demoing some DUI suits. Viz was in the 25-30ft range along the wall, lots of perch around the kelp. Conditions were terrific.
Almost the entire dive was spent futzing around with the drysuits and our harness. My buoyancy and overall control was craptastic, even wifebuddy was having trouble. In hindsight, we made the dive unnecessarily difficult and tiring as we had made too many changes to our rig+an unfamiliar drysuit. I sucked a full HP100 down to 600psi in only 41min.
Max depth 39ft, bottom temp 54F. Sunny and 72F topside at 2PM.

Dead thresher shark in the water, one of the other dive groups brought it out and put it on the steps. Lots of people taking photos with it. It was still there when we left at 4PM, hopefully not left there to rot. Might have been better off left in the water or at least dragged back in to feed the crabs (??)
Dead flat calm at Lobos today! The kelp is filling in, but there is still a clear channel that opens a lot at higher tide. Buddy wanted to stay shallow so we tooled around the rocks near Cannery Point Wall. Viz seemed 20 feet-ish, but was further looking up. Chilly 49F, especially in shallower water. Max depth 49', 46 minutes.

A small boat passed very near me when I surfaced. I was more or less oblivious, but my buddy was alarmed. Guess it's time to think about getting a safety sausage, or whatever the kids are calling them these days.

As I was walking up the ramp a cute little girl approached saying "I have a question, what do you see?" I replied 'Lots of fish, Cabazon, lots of rockfish, and lingcod as big as you are...oh, and a big boat that tried to run me over.' :D (I exaggerated a bit)
One of the volunteers at the DUI Demo knows some shark researchers. They were contacted and they came and removed the shark.

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