I don't, but I see the potential. even the scope could knock corals. I have a good spot to drop hook. Ill have to look up you gps web site for the future and other locations. but I still think a kayak is the best option for this site. WOW, you guys are presumptuous and critical as I am. dropping my hook on the reef. good grief!!! not like I haven't dun it before. but I learn quick. I thought I brought up some good points to talk about, and for the most part I find myself defending myself. maybe its not even worth getting into these pissing contests. Im concerned about the environment as much or even more than most. what's the use talking about it when it falls on def ears and big egos. I do like your style chuck. you make good points and offer good info. but I think you should rethink your views on spearfishing. we are not the spawn of all that is evil. best wishes.