meekal:do they have to be the same size? i tried to order 2 @ 100' and 1 @ 160' and the next page was a SHIPPING CHARGE page....
I don't think they have to be the same size. He just said order 3 for free shipping
I think the shipping charge comes up by default on their webpage... So it will add the shipping automatically. If you order three of them your order will most likely show the 3 @ $15 each for $45 total plus the shipping. Since he said "order three and get free shipping" So they won't charge you the shipping even though it shows up on your oder.
Here's Phil's reply to shipping on a previous thread.
Don't worry about the free shipping. If your order qualifies, you will get the free shipping. Our website does not charge your credit card. We process every order manually. We ignore any shipping choice you make and give you the free shipping when you qualify.