moist air connector for tanks

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Ontario Canada
I have seen and am now trying to relocate a connector that attaches between your reg and your tank that allows you to add distilled water so the air you breath will be moist. Am really getting tired of "dry mouth". Anyone seen these anywhere? If you know where they can be found could you let me know? Thanks everyone. Safe diving!
Hello morgan,

I am not sure if this is what you are looking for but this really is one of the coolest little nifty gadgets Ive seen that will more than help with what you are experiencing. It's more of a temp fix and not like the special regs that are designed to add moisture to your mouth but still a great little extra to have.

They call it a S.C.U.D.A. -
Self Contained Underwater Drinking Apparatus.

It lets you drink underwater, kind of a cool idea I thought.

Thanks for your help on this. This looks like a really cool idea and I will definitely try it out. Sounds great!! Had never seen this before.
Heya morgan,

There are systems designed to help prevent the cotton mouth to begin with but I always though those little scuda units were a cool idea.

Hi King Neptune

My dive buddy is an instructor. She thinks its a great idea as well so we are going to order it in and see what its like. Will order an extra mouthpiece for the save a dive kit just in case. We're going to Florida for Xmas to swim with the sharks so no "dry mouth" will be a good thing. :eek:)

I wanted to ask that if you remember, and you end up getting one of the SCUDAs if you could let us know how you liked it, I know many others would like to here how well it did.


Actually, the person who had the scuda hasn't contacted me yet. I bought a Sherwood Oasis instead. Have tried it out this past weekend on 5 dives to 30 feet. Will try it out at 100 feet this Thursday night in Lake Ontario. So far it is absolutely fantastic. No cotton mouth. It has a heat disipator that takes moisture from your exhaled air and returns it when you breath your next breath. It's great! My air intake has also increased. The incoming air is much easier than with my old US divers. I am really impressed. The only other one I could locate was the Apollo. It has a moisture stick and carbon filter you must insert so if you ran out you'd be out of luck I guess. I would highly recommend the Sherwood Oasis to anyone encountering a similar problem.
Sorry if I confused anyone. On the last post I meant I am getting a lot longer bottom time (twice as much easily) with the Sherwood Oasis as I did with the US divers.
I recently purchased an Apollo rig with a moisturizing chamber between the 1st stage and 2nd stage hose. It hand-screws into place, and has a removable sponge. Haven't had a chance to use it at more than pool depth or for extended periods, but I could tell a difference even after 20 minutes. Their claim is that it can take the relative tank humidity from .02% to 60%. They also sell it separately from their reg's, and it fits standard first stages and hoses.

Just one more option, but so far, I've been impressed.

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