Middle TN SB'ers Get Together

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Good luck with the GPS. Really you can't miss it. I am surprised we don't have more than 10 people coming. I thought we would at least have double that. I guess there aren't as many Mid Ten SB as I thought there were.
I think its going to be a almost all guy thing anyway so we are going to have to entertain ourselves. I can't promise the parting strength of 10 men but I should be able to swing at least 1 1/2.
What time is this kicking off? Is there a cheapy motel nearby, as after a few beers (few dozen???) I won't feel like driving two hours to get home.
What time is this kicking off? Is there a cheapy motel nearby, as after a few beers (few dozen???) I won't feel like driving two hours to get home.

It's kicking off at 6:30 pm... To date I've only had about 5 confirmations, so I don't really expect a lot of people.

As far as a cheap hotel nearby to downtown, there's a couple right down by the interstate. Any of the ones in downtown will be about $100/night.
Well, crap. I'm not going to be able to make it. The head of the marketing agency for my company, went croakatosis about a week ago, and they're throwing an Irish wake for him in Murfreesboro at one of the banks. (I just realized how bizarre that sounds, and in the words of Dave Barry, "I am not making this up!") It kicks off on Saturday afternoon at 4. *sigh*

I'm so sorry... If there were any possible way I could miss it and show up at the get-together, I would do it.

Can we do another one in late spring, maybe? (a get-together. Not a wake) LOL
Maybe we need to move it to a weekend in Feb or March since it looks like its turning out to be a bad day for most people. I actually have another commitment that day and will be running late.
I'm fine with delaying, I'd like to come up when someone in the area could go diving with me anyway.
I'm fine with delaying, I'd like to come up when someone in the area could go diving with me anyway.

That's fine with me... I'll go ahead and cancel the area....

Maybe what we should do is wait until April some time when Martha's Quarry here is open and make it a diving event.... Does everyone like that idea?

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