Mexico passport expiration rule?

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LOL, now we are upset because you're getting 'shorted' a few months on your 10 year passport? I'd hope you could afford the passport renewal if you can afford international travel...

Anyways, don't forget it's not just the expiration date that may keep you grounded, it's also a requirement to have 2-4 blank pages in your passport too, however that one rarely gets checked by an airline.

Technically it's also 6 months based on your return to your home country not the date you are leaving to go somewhere, most of the time it's not really an issue since we are typically talking about American travelers doing an average 7 day vacation, but Europeans sometimes are doing 4, 5, 6 week vacations and that means you need a 7-8 month window till expiration.
Thank Ron. I couldn't find anything on United's website one way or another. Other "unofficial" sites go both ways. I'm only 2 1/2 weeks from 6 months out, but I don't want to run into some over zealous United agent. The passport agency may be the safest. Running out of pages for them to stamp any way. Calling in the morning for an appointment.

It sure seems like I see that disclaimer on United's site every time I book a ticket to Coz, but I'm thinking it's after I've picked seats and entered the credit card number, and just before I push the Purchase Ticket button. Soooo...if you are thinking about risking it...why not get on United's site and "almost" book a ticket...I know that Disclaimer always shows up somewhere in that process...OR you could spend 20 minutes on hold with United and ask an agent....
On a slightly unrelated note....I just renewed mine-I sent it by overnight priority mail on June 30th, and they mailed it back to me on July 16th (but I did pay extra for the expedited service and the overnight priority mail).

---------- Post added July 29th, 2015 at 04:47 PM ----------

Sorry...meant to also say that I've never come close to not having 6 months, so I don't know whether or not it's ever enforced.'s also a requirement to have 2-4 blank pages in your passport too, however that one rarely gets checked by an airline.
Oh really. I didn't know that one, but makes sense. Thanks

Sorry...meant to also say that I've never come close to not having 6 months, so I don't know whether or not it's ever enforced.

I'd be surprised to find anyone getting on any airline in the US that isn't checking their passport expiration if it's an international flight. Typically someone is manually writing a mark on your boarding ticket or stamping it with a mark, or it was printed with a mark at check in and the gate agent is looking for this when you are boarding. Usually it's done when you check your bags, sometimes you'll see them calling everyone up to the desk at the gate to check passports and tick them, or sometimes you'll hear them calling individuals up. But airlines are responsible for fines and getting you back into the country if they let you into a country with a passport violating the 3 or 6 month rule, so they are doing this passport check everyday on every international flight. Some are doing it electronically when you check baggage and are using a self-serve kiosk and using your passport at the kiosk, others are doing it manually at check in or at the gate desk, but someone or something is definitely checking your passport expiration date, I would not even attempt to fly if my passport expiration was under the minimum for the country I was going to. It will be a miracle to make it on the plane. There might be some people with stories of having less than 6 months to expiration and getting on the plane, but I'd guess in reality they were flying to a country with a 3 month time period and their passport expiration was less than 6 months but not less than 3 months.
Ended up using a private service on line. ("Fastport"). Very good service and response. Ordered it on July 27th. I'm told it will be delivered to my office on August 3rd. 5 business days is not bad considering I only used their mid-level service which is $200.00.
Ended up using a private service on line. ("Fastport"). Very good service and response. Ordered it on July 27th. I'm told it will be delivered to my office on August 3rd. 5 business days is not bad considering I only used their mid-level service which is $200.00.
Ouch! And I gripe because PP renewals have gone up to $110. Or did that $200 include the $110?
Don, that did not include the $110......but the $200 is worth it for the peace of mind of having in my possession and not having to worry about it.
Mine came to $170. I made an appointment for Friday morning and picked up my new passport Monday morning at will-call at Passport Office. They could have shipped it out to me but I am moving so didnt want to chance it.

Just showed them I had travel plans within a week. They would have done same day service had I been traveling within 48 hours.

Don't like the look of the new passports :-( Too many pictures on the visa pages.
We just ran into this situation with my daughters passport. We are flying Delta, which from my understanding enforces the six month rule. We fly out tomorrow and noticed last week that it expires in five months ( I know, should have checked when we booked!). I called our closest passport agency and the automated response was the soonest appointment available was in about a week and a half, which was not going to work. I was stressed out. My wife called and was able to actually talk to a real person and got us an appointment the next day. After getting there, I would say probably only half of the people had an appointment, the rest being walk-ins. The appointment will get you priority, but I would say it's not completely necessary. We were able to get the passport that day.
My wife renewed our 15 year olds passport in less than one day in Houston. We got there by 9 and walked out by 2. Very easy.

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