I would like to add to this thread that We are ALL Student divers, because we are always learning, and if anyone was not open to learning more We would ALL be in trouble...anyone that has Attitudes such as:
1. Antiauthority ("Don't tell me!") - Don't like anyone telling him/her what to do. Resentful of rules & regulations.
2. Impulsivity ("Do something - do it now!") - Need to do something, anything, quickly. Don't stop to think about better alternatives.
3. Invulnerability ("It won't happen to me.") - Accidents happen to other people, not to me. Therefore, I can take chances.
4. Macho ("I can do it.") - Always trying to prove themselves better than others. Take risks and try to impress others. Yes, women, too!
5. Resignation ("What's the use?") - I really can't make a difference. It's going to happen anyway, why bother? Leave actions to others.
can be considered Hazardous (even more so in this unforgiving enviroment)...the attitudes are very Hazardous, and most likely will end up resulting in highly unwelcome results..
I myself have been guilty of such attitudes, and i had analized it and mused the outcome of such, and relized that these attitudes should be on the growing list of accident analysis... I have decided (even though i had planned anyway to in the near future) to take the Intro course immediatley prior to furthering any exploration based on knowlage, and etc..
I am sure I will contnue to be flammed for anything cave related, but i finish my intro course in the last weekend of oct, and once i have gotton my card i will happily scan it and post it proudly as my continual in education of the overhead enviroment..........................