Capt Jim Wyatt
Hanging at the 10 Foot Stop
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When a good friend says they went to dinner last night with their wife, do you ask them, "Did you drop food all over the place, slurp and pay a low tip?"
No - Because I do not care if they messed up the table or tipped their server properly. I do care if they are doing cave damage. I hardly see the comparison you have made between dinner last night & cave conservation/safety.

The confrontational part is perhaps misunderstood. I never overtly ask that question of a cave diver unless they are my cave student, then I already know the answer.
The question I posed is a question each cave diver should pose to themselves & team mates. Self-honesty is something we should all have & teach at the cave diver level.
My approach has never been confrontational. Look at my prior posts, ask former students.