Marijuana - Consequences from Use and Diving

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I'll also say that I've been a regular smoker for 25 years now, and I can not recall a single incident where someone accused me of being high, or too high. I have smoked before going on a dive, and I haven't freaked out, gotten the munchies, or any of the rediculous things I've seen posted here. Don't worry - I don't want to be your buddy either.
Hmmm... maybe somebody's selling you caribau crap for the "good stuff" :D
Marijuana smokers take in more tar than cigarette smokers; probably due to holding the smoke longer. Combustion byproducts form 260 separate poisons. Marijuana is a hallucinogen, classified as such because usage causes distortions in one's time/space perception. US policy is to dump paraquat herbicide all over fields wherever found. This includes Mexico, Columbia and other parts of the world. Smoking weed laced with paraquat causes bad things.

If someone chooses to partake, have at it, but be aware of what you are doing.

THC accumulates in fat cells and sex cells, there have been no long term studies on the effects of THC (active stuff in marijuana) on human beings.
Marijuana smokers take in more tar than cigarette smokers; probably due to holding the smoke longer. Combustion byproducts form 260 separate poisons. Marijuana is a hallucinogen, classified as such because usage causes distortions in one's time/space perception. US policy is to dump paraquat herbicide all over fields wherever found. This includes Mexico, Columbia and other parts of the world. Smoking weed laced with paraquat causes bad things.

If someone chooses to partake, have at it, but be aware of what you are doing.

THC accumulates in fat cells and sex cells, there have been no long term studies on the effects of THC (active stuff in marijuana) on human beings.

Vaporize Bro... It cuts out all of the tar and leaves only the good stuff :wink:

No combustion means no tar... so your argument is right out the window... sorry
Vaporize Bro... It cuts out all of the tar and leaves only the good stuff :wink:

No combustion means no tar... so your argument is right out the window... sorry

No need to apologize, no argument from me, vaporize it, snort it, smoke it; no skin off my nose. The "good stuff" is THC; nobody has a clue as to the long term effects. You are an informed person, make your choices. In relation to diving; a drunk does not know they are drunk, due to the nature of the effect of alcohol as a central nervous system depressant. Someone who is high is not capable of recognizing how impaired they are, if you are comfortable with it, by all means do it.
Better air consumption... is it because 'high' person do anything 'slow'?
Maybe it's not really an advantage at all for those who choose to do so and think that it gives them that advantage.

Imo, it also cloud the judgement to react to certain situation or emergency etc. The habit gives the idea that it makes diving more enjoyable and they stick to that, which sounds like an addiction and addict's point of view, very subjective.

And why people here react hard to this, I think because diving is the sport that involves the safety of others too. We are not created to live in water, we need life support equipment etc, it's not a natural activity, that's why it involves many risks.
I must say divers are very social to other divers, many of divers don't hesitate to help others in danger or in risk, regardless who you are and which group you are etc.
So the activity involves a lot of party, DM, buddy, divers around you, rescue etc and imho, it's just right to do it in responsible way and shouldn't risk your life and some other's for 'unnecessary pleasure'.

My 0.02 bar.
:popcorn: Just listening in. I don't think i'd dive with the girl, yet on surface intervals when i've been on vacation it always floors me how many people light up cigarettes before the next dive.
I'll bet she consumes alot of surface interval munchies.

Kidding aside, that's just plain dumb. I don't want to dive with anybody who is impaired in any way.

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