Marijuana - Consequences from Use and Diving

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I don't know which is worse, diving with someone who gets high before diving or diving with someone who tells a total stranger who might be a cop that she smokes pot daily and before diving thereby providing probably cause.
Rick Murchison:
P.S. - oh, yeah, and it's illegal with no quality control, too - could be laced with anything. That's another interesting conversation... these idiots trust their pusher - and an entire supply chain of crooks - with their lives and don't even realize it.

There are honest and reliable Dealers Rick. If you don't believe me just ask one.
Everyone says they wouldn't dive with an impaired buddy, but any diver at 120 (on air) IS impaired. Pot heads can probably hold their narcosis better, but I still wouldn't want to dive with someone when they are stoned.
Everyone says they wouldn't dive with an impaired buddy, but any diver at 120 (on air) IS impaired. Pot heads can probably hold their narcosis better, but I still wouldn't want to dive with someone when they are stoned.

Maybe we can get DAN to do a study.
Diving with swomeone impaired No probably not if I knew.

Hiking in Yelowstone Absolutlely easier to run fast than them in case of bear attack! Ummm could swim faster in case of shark attack???
I smoke weed, not every day but most days after work i will spark a doobe. Anyway i have never dove under the infulence but i am looking forward to trying it. My gf (an AssistInstructor of 400+ dives) is a big fan of getting a bit stoned and diving, she says it calms her breething and heart rate making air last longer. As for impairment, id say it would vary with the individul; if the last time you smoked weed you chundered, spun out, zoned out, got paranoid or thought of doing(or did) somthing really dumb then you are not the type of person who should try going down on the green. But if your like many people who can handle their weed then i dont see whats so bad about it. I cant emphisise ennough that some people can get stoned and still handle complex tasks, and others cant.

Tho after saying all of that i would never get stoned before a "dangerous"(ie a dive out my comfort zone or where i am responcible for extra safety in some way) or when i am diving with individuls who are against stoned diving.

Hi Blind (and Welcome to Scubaboard, I see this is your first post). Did you by chance partake tonight? :rofl3:
Snorting lines off of the signal mirror after chopping them with the Dive Master's knife? That's gotta' be bad karma, or something... LOL

I KNEW there was a real reason for that stupid snorkel!!!!:rofl3:
You can add me to the list of the other members who has been, or currently is a regular smoker. I am of the personal opinion that recreational use on land, in a controlled environment, is a perfectly safe activity (assuming you accept the risks involved with smoking - Even you're using a bong with multiple chambers, or a vaporizer, you can still inhale tar). I mean honestly, are you going to have an accident dialing out for pizza?

However, as much as I/you have the desire to try to smoke up and hit the water, I/you must recognize the following:

1) Absolutely no research has been done with regards to the effects of diving under the influence; We have no idea how being under pressure will interact with your altered dopamine levels, which is just scratching the surface of potentials. I don't believe in blind faith when people's lives are at risk, and neither should you.

2) It can be reasonably be assumed that the intoxicating and slight to significant mind altering effect of Marijuana, combined with the sometimes HIGHLY intoxicating effect of gas narcosis would spell almost certain disaster for even the most seasoned recreational smoker.

3) Just like driving intoxicated, diving intoxicated puts other people potentially at risk - Your DM, the captain and the people around you don't have a say in the situation really - And that's not moral, fair, or safe by any stretch of the imagination.

The key to responsible use of recreational narcotics (alcohol, pot) is having a healthy respect for the 3 S rule.

S - Self - Everybody reacts, behaves and interprets stimulii different when intoxicated. An absolute understanding and respect for self is key to a safe and healthy experience. This also means that if you're unsure of how you might react, or plan to be in a situation where you could potentially be putting others at risk, you don't engage yourself to these activities. For some people (perhaps those who are AWARE they have addictive personalities, for example), this could simply mean not involving yourself in recreational narcotics.

S - Substance - Theres a difference between drinking a glass of wine at dinner and taking 3 hits of acid and a snorting a line of cocaine after dessert. Having a absolute respect for the substance you're taking is paramount. This ties in with an understanding of self, of course. (For the record, I am of the personal opinion that recreation doesn't include cocaine. :p)

S - Setting - Where you are at the time, and where you plan to go are also important to consider. Putting yourself in a situation that might make you uncomfortable, uncontrollable, or might lead to an unsafe situation should be understood and taken into consideration.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I seem to recall a number of times being high and intoxicated at the same time, and every single time it lead to something horrible. For 90% of people it can, and probably will lead to all sorts of horrible activities, and accidents on land; Underwater, it's a death sentence.
Sure, it will slow your breathing, heart rate and chill you out. Sounds great! Until you die.....
i like the old spliff here and there......however before diving i would find terrible.
When i dive i like to be in control (as much as possible ) of myself and dont see any up-sides in getting stoned and going down 20m+.
i will say this; after the dive with a bunch of guys swapping stories and blowing a fat joint is OK.....
this fits me better

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