Mares Gear: What do people think of it?

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I know the technician spoke with Mares directly --he is someone with a sterling reputation in the international dive community and if he said he spoke with them he did. I also know of someone else who spoke directly with Mares and got the same result.

The reason it sticks out in my mind was both folks told me very similar stories about Mares' reaction. Both are really unimpeachable sources as far as I am concerned. Honestly, this seems like a pretty simple solution --retool the dye, spend a few bucks and solve the problem.

I have personally not spoken with Mares about this. It is really more of retailer/shop discussion, I think.

I hate to criticize any company in a public forum --at least I try not to. But the OP is going to be buying a reg and, as I understand it, taking it to a place that service might be more difficult so I though he'd want to know about this.

Again, it's not really the question about the problem, it's that at least two merchants who sell Mares regs had the same experience that is disturbing to me.

Normally I'd tell you to take it over to the MARES forum, in my experience they seem to solve things well. You don't need to, I PMed Zak and I'm sure he'll be here soon.
Normally I'd tell you to take it over to the MARES forum, in my experience they seem to solve things well. You don't need to, I PMed Zak and I'm sure he'll be here soon.

There is no problem that I know of --I was relating an experience. The issue with my Mares reg was solved by the shop's technician. The OP was asking about the quality and reliability of Mares regulators.

The difficulty I described involved a shop reporting a problem with the tooling of a small piece of plastic to Mares and Mares not really seeming to care much about it. There were two of those instances, in fact.

Honestly, I don't think consumers should have to get into a long discussion with a corporation over a piece of plastic worth about a dime.

Again, just so we are clear, I expected the technician to take care of it --he did, but with difficulty because Mares provided parts that were inferior. This was, apparently an ongoing problem. It wasn't my battle to fight so, again honeslty, I never had any thought of going to Mares, or the Mares forum or anyplace else to talk directly with the company.

Hi Jeff,

I am sorry you had this issue, I can tell you honestly this has never been reported to me. We take all claims/reports of defects very seriously. Can you tell me who reported this to MARES (shop or tech name) when and who they reported this to? I speak with our service department daily and if a potential defect issue is reported I am told. Was the defective part sent to us? Did the dealer call for a return authorization so we could log it and inspect upon arrival?

I don't know that there is a problem with this small plastic part, maybe your tech has been the only person to find this, but to state that we are not interested in checking out the validity of this is simply incorrect.

If you or this tech wants to contact me personally to report this please do so.


Hi Jeff,

I am sorry you had this issue, I can tell you honestly this has never been reported to me. We take all claims/reports of defects very seriously. Can you tell me who reported this to MARES (shop or tech name) when and who they reported this to? I speak with our service department daily and if a potential defect issue is reported I am told. Was the defective part sent to us? Did the dealer call for a return authorization so we could log it and inspect upon arrival?

I don't know that there is a problem with this small plastic part, maybe your tech has been the only person to find this, but to state that we are not interested in checking out the validity of this is simply incorrect.

If you or this tech wants to contact me personally to report this please do so.




This really wan't that big a deal --but here is the information.

The part is technicalled a "seat connector," (seda valvola in Italian).
The part number is 4618 6023 in the Mares catalog.
It is a small green plastic tube that some people call an orifice.

The problem seems to be that when the dye was cast, it allowed for a small ridge to run the length of the tube, preventing the orifice from properly sealing with the rubber diaphram in side the 2nd stage. (This is the tube you can rotate in and out to properly fit.)

I'll be happy to pass your contact information onto the technician so he can give you a call.


Thanks for the info, I will have someone take a look at this. I didn't mean for my response to sound the wrong way, but it is unusal for someone to tell me they have contact us and we were not interested in knowing.


Well look, so far, with a Mares rep on the scene in under 12hrs, I can't really complain to much about their interest in product quality!

Anyone had a crack with the new Nemo Excel that Phil features in his avatar? They look like a sexy watch style computer with all the functions one would need pre-tech diving?

Can anyone reccomend some regulator setups for me to check out? Which ones would be good for an instructor in warm water?

Cheers again
Since we're talking MARES here I think you'll like the Proton, I know I do.
Anyone got any opinions on the Mares Abyss series of regulators? They seem to get good writeups.
I have a Mares Rebel regulator that I use on my deco bottle. Admittedly I have only used it on a dozen dives, but it breathes well, and has not given me any problems so far. I got a great deal on it from the dive shop when I bought it in August.

I have a pair of Mares Quattro Pro fins that I bought when I did open water 9 years ago. They still work fine. I did replace the straps with springs.

No complaints.
Mt son dives with a ruby abyss, works great, never a problem.


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