Is that the last day for the year or will you be open the rest of that weekend and on into November?
We will be open on Friday the 31st from 10 AM until about 5 or 6 PM. After that, you will have to wait until the paperwork is finished for next year. When I spoke to Mr. Pounders (General Manager) at the Madison Water Board, he said we could sign a 1 year lease for next year. Its just a matter of working out the details and setting an opening date.
Everything went great this year, no issues or problems, and it seems that we had a lot of happy divers. Several dive shops even made a lot of new divers. Better Diver is now 3 years old and I feel like we came a long way in such a short time.
I would like to thank all of the divers (the list is too long to thank them individually) and the other shops that supported us this year. I cant remember all of them and digging through all the paperwork would take a few days, and I apologize if I missed anyone but a few of them are:
Dive Sports
Bad Boys Diving
Todd Lovett
H20 Scuba Center (Mike Crocker)
Fun Divers
Steven Herron (from Arkansas)
Alabama Blue Water Adventures (Wayne sent me some forms to make life easier)
Marthas Quarry (Fred pointed gave me a few ideas)
Market Street Cafe & Deli (Decatur, Mr. & Mrs. Babbit handled the food for the events)
Divers, please take care of these shops and people. All of the divers, clubs, and shops really helped to make getting the quarry open worth the effort.
Also, I want to thank the Better Diver staff, they made every day we were open easier on everyone.