Looking for Oahu Dive Operator recommendations

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Here is a tip...FWIW. Call the night before and confirm. (I do that wherever we go, cause I want to sleep till the last minute and I am usually bugging them to be picked up last, he he) On a Waikiki rush-hour am route, you could be gaining almost an hour of sleep, plus you are "confirming". I never go to an appointment without calling because usually I am the one that messed up the dates or the time.

I would ask about the boats, if you care. If you are being farmed out on another operator's boat, that is useful information. It is not always bad, but for me it tells a lot about how much control they have over where that charter will go. You are in a group of two and get booked on a boat where another operator has ten? Guess what? The boat is going where they want to go. (if you care)
On the other hand, lets say you have booked with a boat owner...take Diamond Head Divers, for example. If you are diving with him for the week and have requested a site, he most likely made a note of it and feels more responsibility to your dive agenda than for the guy another operator has booked where he is only getting about 30 dollars for the the boat seat.

Another important question to ask: Is the boat on a timeline? Is the boat hustling back for the second charter? at what time? Some charters are rushed, others are not.

I prefer different operators for different reasons.

That is sound advice!

Of the different operators out there, are there any that tend to cater to wreck and/or advanced divers? I'll only have 2-3 days of diving and would hope to make the most of them.

Also, anyone ever been out with Island Divers?


Yes been out with island divers. Can you define "advanced diver?" As in AOW diver, or "I have a gazillion dives and want to to do (and am trained) wreck penetration dives and deep dives"....

IDH is a good op.
Thanks. My impression from their website was also positive.

"Advanced diver?" IMO, because skills, abilities, comfort in water, etc., are pretty hard to define and articulate, AOW serves as a surrogate of sorts. Throw in other specific training - recreational or tech - even better. Given that I'll be out there for a short time, will seek to make arrangements in advance and seem to recall that operators in HI tend to lead dives rather than send people off on their own, I was hoping to find an operator where I am more likely to find people with AOW at a minimum and, ideally, training and interest in more challenging dives, including wreck penetration, rather than a boat primarily consisting of divers in or recently completing an OW course.

Keep in mind that if you do a morning charter, you will most likely go to a deep wreck. There still may be newbie divers on board, just let the dive op know that you wish to dive with advanced divers. In those cases where dive shops have a mixed group, they most often have several instructors or guides and will keep the advanced divers seperate from the newbies.
It is impotant to note, based on my experience, problems can arise with all divers regardless of cert level so there is no guarantee that you won't have your dive cut short because of one individual.
I had to abort a sharks cove dive and tow a DM back to shore, all the while my newbie students were fine!

IDH has enough staff to keep groups seperate and they usually do!
Do they have a boat yet?

I thought they did, then I heard they didn't...

I am not a fan of that honey-B boat, myself.

I wish the Enzo was on the south side.
Keep in mind that if you do a morning charter, you will most likely go to a deep wreck. There still may be newbie divers on board, just let the dive op know that you wish to dive with advanced divers. In those cases where dive shops have a mixed group, they most often have several instructors or guides and will keep the advanced divers seperate from the newbies.
It is impotant to note, based on my experience, problems can arise with all divers regardless of cert level so there is no guarantee that you won't have your dive cut short because of one individual.
I had to abort a sharks cove dive and tow a DM back to shore, all the while my newbie students were fine!

IDH has enough staff to keep groups seperate and they usually do!

Thanks. Will certainly shoot for the morning dives.

I don't doubt that divers of all levels can/do have problems. But, I'd still suspect that more issues arise with the new divers than those with more training. Can't eliminate all risks but, to the extent possible, trying to limit them.

Here is who NOT to dive with, unless you have a perverse desire to experience every cliche about a cattle boat operation...

Max Brunk DBA Manini Dive Company Hawaii

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