Okay, let's see--MikeJacobs and I are open to any day.
Jenny is best Friday and Sunday
FallenMatt for Friday
FLL is still open
Seadog for Saturday.
Sounds like maybe a Friday AM works for the majority, and Sat/Sun still open for decision.
To throw out a suggestion, I'd say Fri early am beach dive Pompano/etc., to beat the crowds.
Sat or Sunday (hey, I'd do both, for that matter) at Blue Heron, as the tides work out nicely for the weekend. FLL, any news on your front?
I'd happily do both Saturday and Sunday at Blue Heron, as I'm right here, and that way all interested would have the opportunity.....(seadog, have you dived the bridgeb before?)'re welcome to crash in my extra room....I'm fairly harmless
Jenny, as it sounds like you'll be the defunct leader of the beach dive, you're welcome to choose the day and time that's best for you......