pt40fathoms:So if I have this right, a few of you who claim to be either DIR trained or follow DIR diving protocols, are refusing to dive with non DIR divers in recreational dive settings because of the following:
A) They may unexpectently run out of air and pose a danger to you.
B) They dont know how your gear works.
C) You feel that you can not count on anyone else being able or even willing to help you out if you have a problem.
Back up the train there bucko. I never said that I flat-out refuse to dive with non-DIR divers. As a matter of fact, I dove yesterday with a non-DIR diver who had about 10 logged dives. It was in local waters that I'm very familiar with, and we didn't exceed a depth of 45FFW.
Now as far as the second part, I agree with RTodd completely. I work very hard for my money, and I'll be darned if I'm going to spend $2K-$3K to go on vacation, and get stuck with a random diver who only dives once or twice a year on vacation and hasn't been in the water (save for a "refresher" if I'm lucky) in 6 months. If that makes me sound like a jerk or zealot, then so be it.