@The Chairman (and others), being new to this we (my daughter and I) are learning tons all the time. In part to the reading I do on SB.
Question for you/others: where does experience begin to substitute for formal training in some form or fashion and how do you know? As an example, I see folks on SB that have tons and tons of dives, have an OW certification only, and do deep(er) dives all the time. I suspect they feel quite comfortable at the increased depths (past their formal training of 60') and I suspect they have (or feel they have) plenty of experience to enable their comfort and knowledge to dive that deep.
My daughter and I are just beginning this new adventure (diving). Our typical reef dives we go on are 60'. I have had her sit down at the dining table with me and do detailed dive planning calcs (calc'ing air usage based on RMVs for the dive, an issue, a return, a safety stop, etc.) mainly so she understands these things are not arbitrary and she understands the concept. Our dives have been drift dives for the most part so we haven't had a "return pressure" as much as we just have a "ascent pressure" where we end the dive and just go up. We have used return pressure to a slight degree when doing shark tooth diving in the Gulf, but the waters are very shallow and you really aren't venturing too far from the boat, we just made our returns early but basically kept searching for teeth... just changed our heading to return towards the boat. I think we'll do a wreck dive or more anchored dives this Spring so we'll get an opportunity to employ more planning relative to turn/return pressures etc.
For us, we don't plan (or have business) on doing deep (to me that means 90' plus) dives any time soon (due to lack of experience and training IMO). That said, if we were presented with the question of diving to 70' (or not), I don't think I would hesitate. I feel comfortable with both of us diving to there - is that bad? Now... if presented with diving to 80' by a DM, I would respond with - we have only dived to "X" feet (whatever that is... it's "60" right now) and would only dive to that depth if you (DM) are ok with us sticking with you on the dive and you are ok keeping an eye (buddy-style) on us - is that bad? Admittedly, we are new to this, and hence ignorant to plenty of things relative to diving. So we don't know what we don't know. And that's where more training and experience comes in. But right now, the above would be my approach - again, is that bad? Speak freely, I take no pride in this matter and don't have an ego to hurt... I'm ignorant to plenty of things diving.