Love what I see so far of Mk11evo, but same here: I doubt I can let go of my upgraded Atomic T1s. Obviously I wish servicing was as quick as with a diaphragm reg, and I wish I could achieve crisp IP lockup as you said. Oh, and that I would not need proprietary tools. But the Atomics can do 300 dives (more probably) before the IP drifts out of the specified range. With the price of service kits for any reg these days, that is very welcome.It's very hard to let go of my sealed Atomics. But I find myself diving them less and less. Such a magnificently simple device, but I get SO frustrated with mushy lockup. They come that way from the factory, until I polish the knife edge. They get that way from tank particulates way before any "three-year/300 dive" service interval.
They rarely fully creep, so I don't worry about losing gas if I forget to turn the tank off for the boat ride. But the lack of crisp valve action is very distressing to me.
I've often wondered if we could change the direction of HP gas entry and seal the valve from the inside radius with a plug-type seat. It's that U-turn down the bore that's killing the knife edge.
Honest question: If you went on a round the world dive trip, which would you grab? The bullet-proof piston 1st stage, or the easy to service, no-special-tools-required diaphragm 1st? Of course I know which 2nd stage you'll pick