Actually, fish don't "like" or "dislike" anything in the human terms we relate to. They "respond" based on preservation instinct, but they don't talk or feel or have any of the advanced human characteristics represented in Disney cartoons. So let's not base our actions on magical thinking about these animals.Cozoholic:Funny thing though - I feel bad 'waking up ' the fish on the night dives..i yell at Will for shining the lights in their faces - HOW WOULD YOU LIKE A LIGHT SHONE IN YOUR FACE during nap time??
I do agree with the don't touch rule. But for pragmatic reasons. Number one, in Coz it's the law, and if we're going to dive there we should abide by it.
Second of all, with the great number of people who dive there, we humans could easily destroy one of the most beautiful coral reef systems in the world, and then it would not be there for us to enjoy.
I often fly fish in Idaho and Montana where the rule is catch and release. It must be that way, or the multitudes of fisherman would wipe out the fish populations. However, if I had my druthers, I'd rather catch and kill and eat the things.
OK, have at me...