I seriously HATE editing post, but I will admit when I do and WHY ...
When ever one of you, even jokingly, start in with a little jabbing, sometimes thing get out of hand.
*reaching in my bag of opinionated advice* ...
Written conversation is understandably misunderstood by others... If I am, for example, standing next to Don, and he stands at 6 foot tall and 200lbs and I am 6 1/2 foot tall and 150lbs and say, "Well, if you weren't such a long lanky skin and bones twig, maybe those sharks would stop mistaking you for a tooth pick *wink,wink* " - he, and anyone else standing there would OBVIOUSLY see that I was just playing around or as the saying goes, "The pot calling the kettle black". This would never be misunderstood as bashing or hurtful and even if Don had a personal inferior complex because he really does have chicken legs, for that minute he would probably actually feel good about him self by being teased from someone that could pass off as the Jolly Green Giants walking cane. It's obvious in that case, because we are all standing there IN PERSON and winking and giggling and what not and everyone could see he actually looks more like Arnold Schwarteneger than the PeeWee Herman he really is .... hehe
My point is that there are a couple of you that Constantly make remarks towards certain Nationalities and it is getting OLD and you're wearing peoples patience thin.
This happened once before on this board and it ended up in a heated racial bashing frenzy. Granted it began with someone making mention of some sorta "Hitler" remark and even though this person wasn't German it pissed off some of our German members and the person they were calling a Nazi was in Fact Jewish ... So you can imagine how that one went DOWN HILL very fast ...
And worst of all, it was all NDR in a bad way, hence it was just not welcome nor appreciated by ANYONE!
I am not going to say names but if you cant figure out who you are I will email you if it keeps happening. There is no need for turning a SCUBA DIVING FORUM into anyone personal soapbox for negative racial commentary, no matter how sly or small of a remark it is. Please, just be conscious of others feelings, because when you don't we get another TON of email, on top of the current 300 PLUS a day we get now expressing their distaste.
Not to mention, you could be Gods gift of wisdom to Scuba Diving but people are never going to listen to a word you say. Due to everything else you've said in the past every remark you say from there on out is pre-judged. You'll end up saying something like - "It is not advisable to drop Acid, Smoke Opium, Shoot Heroin and drag your fathers old rusty dive gear out and attempt a dive on the Titanic" ... But all they will hear (or see rather) is "All of yoz from dat cuntry suck azz and I we OWN you cuz you so dum"...
G3t d4 p1ctur3 h0m3z?