Learning DIR or DIW at Casino Point?

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The Lorax for the Kelp Forest
Scuba Legend
Rest in Peace
Reaction score
Santa Catalina Island, CA
# of dives
2500 - 4999
Was diving Casino Point today (of course) and noticed a DIR class at the Park. After a briefing, they prepped to go in the water.

One diver, apparently a student, decided he could not wait for the four divers ahead of him on the down steps to put their fins on and get in the water.

Instead he went to the UP stairs, walked DOWN to the bottom and started putting on his fins, etc., right in front of two instructors who were trying to get their class out of the water and onto the steps. The guy took his time while the class waited in surge for the steps to clear so they could get out.

I went down there to say something to the diver and discovered one of the instructors was a friend of mine (actually a friend's girlfriend). I mentioned something to her about him and she was quite annoyed that he would enter from the exit side, disregard the class waiting to get out, the two instructors on the stairs waiting to get their students in, and on top of it take his time.

Such rude behavior from someone "trying" to "Do It Right" but instead "Doing It Wrong," quite wrong.

I realize this student does not reflect on the DIR community, or that particular class, as a whole. The rest of the group seemed oerfectly fine. However the attitude of that one "DIR" student will leave a lasting impression in my mind, the mind of the two instructors, and the minds of their students in the class.

If you're in a class to DIR, try DIR in everything you do related to diving... including being aware of other divers at the site you're diving and being considerate of their experience. No reason you can't wait your turn. And don't do that to me or I'll chew your inconsiderate ass out!

Dr. Bill
Arnaud... I see you made it back to the mainland and are breathing that smog again! Good to see you around town and at the Point.

Obviously this problem goes way beyond DIR. I guess some from the mainland just aren't willing to get into "island mode" and wait in line as they should. This incident really interfered with the Dive N Surf class that was waiting to get out. Extremely inconsiderate.

I just wish they would paint the UP and DOWN arrows on the stairs so people could see we really do have a system here and the left side is not intended as a passing lane for impatient folks.

Well, 13 dives this weekend and I'm pooped so it's off to bed... alone.

Good luck tomorrow Arnaud.

Dr. Bill
And it was hot on those stairs, for us patient and considerate divers waiting for our turn in the right lane. Maybe they should add a group lane...

Meanwhile, yes, there's nothing like offgasing with LA's pure & fresh air.

Despite the heat and the mediocre food :eek:ut:, it's always a pleasure to spend the WE on the island. Very relaxing. And it's still easily beats diving off the mainland.

Thanks for the rest. Keeping my fingers crossed...
drbill once bubbled...
No reason you can't wait your turn. And don't do that to me or I'll chew your inconsiderate ass out!

Dr. Bill

Yeah! Kick ass and take names, Doc!:D
drbill once bubbled...
Was diving Casino Point today (of course) and noticed a DIR class at the Park. After a briefing, they prepped to go in the water.

One diver, apparently a student, decided he could not wait for the four divers ahead of him on the down steps to put their fins on and get in the water.

Instead he went to the UP stairs, walked DOWN to the bottom and started putting on his fins, etc., right in front of two instructors who were trying to get their class out of the water and onto the steps. The guy took his time while the class waited in surge for the steps to clear so they could get out.

Such rude behavior from someone "trying" to "Do It Right" but instead "Doing It Wrong," quite wrong.

I realize this student does not reflect on the DIR community, or that particular class, as a whole. The rest of the group seemed oerfectly fine. However the attitude of that one "DIR" student will leave a lasting impression in my mind, the mind of the two instructors, and the minds of their students in the class.

If you're in a class to DIR, try DIR in everything you do related to diving... including being aware of other divers at the site you're diving and being considerate of their experience. No reason you can't wait your turn. And don't do that to me or I'll chew your inconsiderate ass out!

Dr. Bill

Dr. Bill,

Perhaps as you note that actually putting directions on the stairs would actually indicate that rather then an ad hoc system designed by divers that there is some authoritative system. To that end, I was the instructor of that "DIR" class, and I don't recall anyone of my students entering the exit area, although I'll allow you the benefit of the doubt in terms of the event. Please accept my apologies as we don't want to interfere with anyone else's classes. I will note that in my class this weekend I had one from Detroit, Michigan, one from Scotland, and several other's that have never been to Casino Point before so perhaps the lack of a clearly marked sign provided for the alleged mishap.. I usually make a point to tell the students to use the right side as you go in and the left side as you exit but given that it's a systemic problem I wonder why if a PADI student for example did such a thing there same outcry doesn't seem to exist?? Furthermore as we are talking about "protocols" do you believe that an instructor should cut our line that we laid out because his students couldn't stay off teh bottom and "may" get entangled?? Do you believe that an instructor should cut our lift bag deployment line because his student may get entangled??? Both of these events happened to our class this weekend and both were instructors from a different agency.. I wouldn't dream on denouncing or indicting an entire organization [ as you suggest] because of the inappropriate actions of a select few. Moreover, I would add that the alleged "wrong" side I'm confident was based upon lack a clearly marked direction and was unintentional, whereas deliberatley cutting lines and lift bags is an intentional act..

Some sense of proportionality would seem appropriate, but again please accept my apologies for any inconviences..

MHK once bubbled...
do you believe that an instructor should cut our line that we laid out because his students couldn't stay off teh bottom and "may" get entangled?? Do you believe that an instructor should cut our lift bag deployment line because his student may get entangled??? Both of these events happened to our class this weekend and both were instructors from a different agency...

Do you ever have a 'normal' class...you know one that runs smooth without any problems or issues??..you are like a magnet for wierd crap....the KY class automatically disqualifies as I was in the class....

I mentioned in my post that I was not in any way condemning your class or DIR, just the individual diver. DIR and DIW just made it seem humorous to me. There are plenty of people from many agencies that get impatient on the stairs and try shortcuts.

I generally mention this to all I see doing it. Even I get impatient at times, but do not take cuts inless offered... in fact that day I let the tail end of a Malibu Divers class cut in front of me so the class could stay together.

The diver I saw was indeed in your class. However, he was acting entirely on his own and therefore I mentioned that I condemned HIS action, not the class or the DIR school of thought. I believe the rest of the group was already in the water and he was late.

Going down the "wrong" side is not always bad... if there are no divers waiting to get out. The diver in this case went down to the bottom step, butting in front of the two instructors (with not even an "excuse me") and stood there putting his gear on despite the fact there were about a dozen dive students right at the stairs waiting to get out. That was inexcusable and suggested a total lack of awareness of his surroundings, or a total arrogance (again, as an individual not as a DIR class member).

I had hoped people would see the DIR/DIW humor although the issue is a problematic one with any impatient diver regardless of affiliation. I dive with some DIR buddies and even after 41 years of diving know that I can learn from the DIR philosophy myself.

However, I remain adamant about inconsideration. And I have had PADI classes WALK over my body while I was resting still on the bottom videotaping, swim past me bumping me as I filmed (when there was plenty of room to avoid me and I was there first), etc. I was down at 75 feet videotaping a sheep crab feeding on a bat ray carcass and there were two divers down there watching me from a vertyical position stirring up the sand to the point I had to stop filming.

Best fishes,

Dr. Bill
Big-t-2538 once bubbled...

Do you ever have a 'normal' class...you know one that runs smooth without any problems or issues??..you are like a magnet for wierd crap....the KY class automatically disqualifies as I was in the class....

Actually Tony it was an awesome class and I was surprised to see this comment this morning, it seems a little sensitive to make a public post about a diver entering on the exit side since it happens all the time over there. Again, I don't recall it happening but I don't advocate the practice so if it did happen I didn't want anyone to think we aren't sensitive to the issue. Fact is that for years and years they didn't even have stairs at Casino Point and you needed to climb over the wall and scale down and up the rocks to get in and out. A couple of years ago they finally put in a set of stairs to make entry and exit easier [ and safer] and diver's started using the right side for entry and left side for exit, but there certainly isn't any signs or directional markings.. Absent those markings most respect the ad hoc system, but often times divers don't. To single out one "DIR" diver and make a public post about it seemed to me a little much.. As ffor the cutting of my lines, that's life and we deal with it and move on and I didn't think to make a post saying how rude "PADI" divers are..

Oh well...

MHK once bubbled...
Actually Tony it was an awesome class

What??? you mean it was better than ours....<sniffle>...oh wait...this is like saying I'm taller than an "umpa lumpa" :wink:

...seriously though, the last dives I have made since class I really noticed myself paying a lot more attention to what was going on around me.....and I even did a back-up kick to get a good pic of a catfish swimming at me....but the damn lab screwed up the film (you can see it is processed with way too much light or something) and I have to go gripe about the photos. I also lost another pound of lead...and at 10 ft. was fighting a little to stay down, so I'll stick with that weight for a while. IT is an ever evolving process...

at any rate, I'm glad the class went well, was this the class that you and Brando taught together...or is that this coming weekend?

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