LDS fill policies for older tanks?

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Leftcoast of Canada
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500 - 999
Heard a rumour that some lower mainland LDS's were instituting a no fill policy for tanks older than 20 years regardless of alloy. As an owner of several Steel 72's and older Catalina 6061 aluminum tanks I'd like to know which stores are doing this in case I need a fill while on the road.
I almost had my dive plans ruined a couple of years ago when I encountered this thinking in the Kelowna area but fortunately Sheldon Boyd of Serpent Aquatics came through with some common sense decision making (props) where the other store failed to even make the attempt (no props).

So, what are our local LDS policies?
Last week GPD had a sign about not filling Al tanks born before 1988. There was no mention of alloys or manufacturers name. They didn't blink at filling my 1992 born Luxfer doubles.

I think the intent would be to avoid 6351s. I would try to go in armed with a print out of Luxfer's FAQ's about recognizing 6351 tanks. Mike seems like a reasonable person. You might be able to get a fill.

I know Alpha Dive in Powell river went very specific about 6351 alloy aka pre 1988 Luxfer's. They even had one as a doorstop.
Heard a rumour that some lower mainland LDS's were instituting a no fill policy for tanks older than 20 years regardless of alloy. As an owner of several Steel 72's and older Catalina 6061 aluminum tanks I'd like to know which stores are doing this in case I need a fill while on the road.
I almost had my dive plans ruined a couple of years ago when I encountered this thinking in the Kelowna area but fortunately Sheldon Boyd of Serpent Aquatics came through with some common sense decision making (props) where the other store failed to even make the attempt (no props).

So, what are our local LDS policies?
UBC is currently trying to decide what to do about this but for now they are still filling everything with a valid hydro and vis.
I understand the hesitation to fill 6351 Al alloy tanks as they have a known (though slight) risk of SLC and respect anyones decision not to fill them - I retired mine last year personally. But other Al alloys, such as 6061 and all steel tanks do not have that issue and there is absolutely no reason not to fill these if they pass hydro/vis.
I'm not so interested in changing anyones mind about their policies; I really just want to know so I don't waste my time driving somewhere for nothing.

For pre 88 luxfers and many other brands one can check the serial numbers against the 6351 list. All post 1988 luxfers use 6061 alloy as did all Catalina's. They never used 6351 alloy.
(For everyone else, not DaleC) During my gas blender course it was brought up that the stress from hydro testing can cause problems - 4 cycles (20 years, since they hydro them before they ship) for AL, 3(!) for the worthington steel cylinders because of the round-out procedure you have to do to make them pass a hydro. I'll try to find out the source of this information more specifically, as opposed to the armchair metallurgists in the tank forums :wink:

It's apparently all metal fatigue, that's all. *Your* tanks are probably fine, but what about the ones someone bought from a dive shop that were filled 3-5x a week, possibly faster than the 100psi/min maximum that the maker rated it for? And how do you tell the difference? With 5 years between hydro dates anything could happen.

AL80 tanks like $100-$150(closer to $200 in a shop sometimes) in the states. You can get them shipped to Point Roberts for $8 if your dive shop is giving you grief about it. Think about that before you see some great deal on CL for $150 for an AL80.
And the next time someone offers you a great deal on a 1969 Corvette just remember that car is 42 years old and putting gas into it could be dangerous :shakehead:

Anyways, not intending to debate the issue. You can play scary the credit card weilding, this is all life support equipment crowd somewhere else if you want. It's very boring to me. I just dove my 50 year old reg the other day and I'm not afraid of the carnage brass boltsnaps can create.

I just want to know which shops have this policy.
Hey about half my bolt snaps are brass and I do have and use a confirmed Luxfer 6351 (About a year ago I called Luxfer vainly hoping that they would tell it was not :( ).
I know that Langley Diving will fill a 28 year old Luxfer AL80 with current hydro. I got the tank for $0 and had it inspected and hydro tested last month. It hadn't been used since 1985 but it was in perfect condition. I came away with a (new to me) tank for the cost of a hydro. Langley filled it up with Nitrox and slapped a sticker on it (enriched air) with no questions asked.

I would be really cheezed off if they decided not to fill it again because of some arbitrary "best before" date. I am aware that in the US, a number of dive shops won't touch 10+ year old aluminum tanks. Fear of litigation I suppose.

BTW Dale, that was the tank I dove for our night dive at Pavilion this weekend.


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