Lawyers Evil or Saints?

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yes, "some" is the key word. btw, as a defendant, she wouldn't
have had to file a lien against the property or send a letter to
the mortgage company. so this guy is talking about costs

Yes, the costs were from the Legal association's lawyer, I understand that.
There is no logical reason why I should have to pay several thousand dolars to get a business to acknoledge that they screwed up.
Again, I fail to see that this is the lawyer's fault. Big business wants to trample us and they would if not for lawyers standing up to them.

As a Network Consultant, I have a number of lawyers that I deal with on a regular basis. Do they always believe their client? NO! But they believe that their client has the same rights as everyone one else in this country. I have only met one smarmy lawyer (no, it's not Andy, and we have met) out of the bunch. On the other hand, I have met far more (and smarmier) physicians and PIs. But I still trust my life to my GP and to my specialists. If I didn't, I would find some that I could trust.
Again, I fail to see that this is the lawyer's fault. Big business wants to trample us and they would if not for lawyers standing up to them.

Ok, what do we see on both sides of the issue? Lawyers.

I know, this sounds simplistic, but in the end, who profits from all of this litigation? The Lawyers.

Andy's response on how to deal with anybody seems to be call a lawyer. Why? Why can we not just act honerable and deal with our problems and responsibilities?

It's not just big business trampling over the little guy. More and more big business is starting to make an effort to move away from law suits, and they are the ones who are starting to get trampled because of it.

But you can get nailed by your neighbor if his kid kicks in your gate and drowns in your pool. Where is the sense in that? He's a little guy just like you. And he didn't teach his kid not to break into people's homes, and yet in court, he will be seen as the victim. Where is the sense in that?

There are states now wher OB/GYN's can't start a practice because they can't get insurance. I know, doctors, like everybody else screws up. But if yu take a seriously close look at some of these cases, you'll find doctors who consulted on something and had nothing to do with the problem often times being sued. In one case (My father) a doctor was sued along with everyone else on the chart, because he was on the chart. My father's involvement in the case was examning the results of a cople of tests and telling the lead phsician on the case that the patient was going to die, and there was nothing any body could do about it. Well, the patient did die, and he was sued over it.

It truly is amazing what you can sue for and win. There have been cases of people breaking into stores, hurting themselves, and then suing the store for damages, and winning.

There was one case I read about in California where a man was attacked in his home, stabbed the assailant with a paring knife he was holding when the attacker came at him, and he not only went to jail for manslaughter, he lost everything he owned in a wrongful death suit.

All of this is just so bizzare to me, it reads like a bad novel about a parallell universe, but this is stuff that is happening arround us. And we just accept this?

And now we are being told that it is ok to try and help other people. Gee, thanks.
Ok, what do we see on both sides of the issue? Lawyers.
They are niether the impetus nor the motive here. Your point was well made... people (and corporations) do not accept liability easily or reasonably. Very few want to "make it right" and so people have to find legal ways for retribution. If everyone kept their promises and did what was right we would have no need of lawyers or politicians. But, I feel we need the former to protect us from the latter.

It truly is amazing what you can sue for and win. There have been cases of people breaking into stores, hurting themselves, and then suing the store for damages, and winning.
I would love for you to actually produce ONE instance where this happened. ALL the ones that I have seen have been hoaxes or more politely Internet Myths/Urban Legends.
Well, I'm not sure that I can find this one, but I will look tomarrow.

When I was a kid, I worked at a Pizza hut. I noticed that we were required to leave all of the lights on in the store after we had closed. I commented to the manager that this seemed to be a waste, as the cost of electricity had to be adding up.

He told me that the reason for this was that someone once broke into the store by smashing a window. When they crawled through, they managed to cut their leg badly. They managed to passout from blood loss while in the store trying to get the cash register open. The next morning the opening crew found him and called an ambulance. This person almost died from blood loss, and decided to sue the store. In the end, he spent several weeks in the hospital at the store's expense, 90 days in jail and the tax payers expense, and sued the store for several hundred thousand dollars claiming that if the lights had been left on, he would have been found sooner. I am told that he won the case, and as a result they leave the lights on.

I will try to look for this, but I doubt I will find it as this was very preinternet.

As for the former protecting us from the latter, The last lawyer I had dealings with had a sign in his office, it said, "A good lawyer is a Rat ******* that protects you from somebodyelse's Rat *******." I asked him about this, and it's placement, directly below a crucifix. He thought it was self-explanitory.
They are niether the impetus nor the motive here.

I remember seeing a commercial for a lawyer on TV once, and it was not on Saturday Night Live. I really hope other lawyers were offended and not envious because thay did not think of it first. It went something like this...

"Have you been injured? Do you think you might have been injured? Do you think you could be injured? Do you know anyone who has been, might have been, or could be injured? If you do call me..."

On another side note, the funniest sign I have ever seen for a law firm had to be outside, I'm not sure, it was either Venice or Fourchan, LA. But the sign said...

Uhalt and Wreck
Auto Colision, Personal Injury, and Death.
Autorneys at law.​
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that there is more to the saying "hell knows no fury as a woman scorned." It goes like this......[,] or a disgruntled client."

We mock what we don't know, and I'm sorry Seabear, either you don't know what you're talking about, or your MO is the wish factor. It seems you'd like to live in some place like Utopia or perhaps Mars. The days of barter, and amicable resolution to problems by way of handshakes are long gone brother....time evolves, people evolve, society evolves. You want to know why we have good samaritan laws? Because I, not as a rescue diver, but as a CPR trained person, would not want someone whose life I've saved by initiaing CPR to go and bump himself against a car and say that I broke his sternum. And on the flip side, I don't want some hero wannabe to administer CPR on me, AND break my sternum.

Tell you what, God forbid you get in an accident and end up damaged to the point you can no longer work and provide for your family, how about you call the guy who hit you and ask him to pay your reasonable medical expenses for the rest of your life, along with your lost wages, and your pain and suffering. Good luck with that!!!
The days of barter, and amicable resolution to problems by way of handshakes are long gone brother....time evolves, people evolve, society evolves.

You call this evolving? I thought evolving involved moving to a higher state of existance somehow.
You call this evolving? I thought evolving involved moving to a higher state of existance somehow.
Yes I do, and yes it is, or in the alternative, it should be. But, I still would like to put food on my family's table, and I just can't always go to my neighbor and ask for a few of the onions and tomatoes he has grown in his back yard and offer him a cup of sugar in barter now, can I? Of course not.

Let me ask you a question, how do you value life? Consider this scenario; my neighbor doesn't grow his own vegetables, so I need to purchase them from my local grocery store. In the course of growing them the farmer negligently uses too much pesticide; the grocery store doesn't check for it, so they sell me a batch of poison. I reasonably rely on the grocery store to sell me fresh and healthy produce, don't you? So what happens if one of my kids ends up with some sort of debilitating disease due to the negligence of the farmer and the grocery store, should I alone be made to carry the burden of seeing my child be incapacitated for the rest of her life? or worse yet, die as a result? Should my medical insurance?

Evolving, or as you put it, "moving to a higher state of existance" does not negate the fact that there is evil in the world. Moving to a higher state of existence also involves accepting the risks involved with such move.
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