Again, I fail to see that this is the lawyer's fault. Big business wants to trample us and they would if not for lawyers standing up to them.
Ok, what do we see on both sides of the issue? Lawyers.
I know, this sounds simplistic, but in the end, who profits from all of this litigation? The Lawyers.
Andy's response on how to deal with anybody seems to be call a lawyer. Why? Why can we not just act honerable and deal with our problems and responsibilities?
It's not just big business trampling over the little guy. More and more big business is starting to make an effort to move away from law suits, and they are the ones who are starting to get trampled because of it.
But you can get nailed by your neighbor if his kid kicks in your gate and drowns in your pool. Where is the sense in that? He's a little guy just like you. And he didn't teach his kid not to break into people's homes, and yet in court, he will be seen as the victim. Where is the sense in that?
There are states now wher OB/GYN's can't start a practice because they can't get insurance. I know, doctors, like everybody else screws up. But if yu take a seriously close look at some of these cases, you'll find doctors who consulted on something and had nothing to do with the problem often times being sued. In one case (My father) a doctor was sued along with everyone else on the chart, because he was on the chart. My father's involvement in the case was examning the results of a cople of tests and telling the lead phsician on the case that the patient was going to die, and there was nothing any body could do about it. Well, the patient did die, and he was sued over it.
It truly is amazing what you can sue for and win. There have been cases of people breaking into stores, hurting themselves, and then suing the store for damages, and winning.
There was one case I read about in California where a man was attacked in his home, stabbed the assailant with a paring knife he was holding when the attacker came at him, and he not only went to jail for manslaughter, he lost everything he owned in a wrongful death suit.
All of this is just so bizzare to me, it reads like a bad novel about a parallell universe, but this is stuff that is happening arround us. And we just accept this?
And now we are being told that it is ok to try and help other people. Gee, thanks.